Grow Report from Robin Cantor
Grow Report from Robin Cantor
Grow Report from Robin Cantor – 7/17/2021 So far she has had 40 sprouts from our Bumble Bee Kratom Seed pod that were 3 months old.

Grow Report from Robin Cantor

Robin Cantor Seed Pod Sprouts

Kratom seedlings 7/18/21
What happens if there is an issue with you order?
What happens if there is an issue with you order?
We guarantee to get to your leaf to your door healthy and green. But, sometimes things can happen. If there is ever an issue with your order please contact our team immediately. We ask that you email us at or call /text us at (603)733-4665. Texting is preferred. It is helpful if you also include a photo of the situation and your order number. Our helpful staff will try to respond within the hour.
How long should I expect Shipping to take?
How long should I expect Shipping to take?
All orders will only ship out Monday – Saturday in batches. Each order will receive a notification and tracking number once the order goes out. Before contacting our staff we recommend that you check your email and spam filter encase you might have missed us. You can reach our staff at our email or by call/ texting (603)733-4665. We would prefer you send us a text as its easier for our staff to respond to and reference back to in case of future issues. We are available Mon – Sun 8am – 11 pm EST. A member of our helpful staff would be more than happy to talk with you anytime.
How to root kratom cuttings – Another Growers guide

How to root kratom cuttings – Another Growers guide
A guide from another customer
This is a series of pictures I took in which i received 90+ unrooted cuttings and 3 rooted cuttings. I basically knew nothing about plant care before getting in to this, i tried to read a lot and find as much info as i could as I went along. First, I show the three pre-rooted cuttings. I remove most of the rockwool to expose the roots and transfer to a potting mix, perlite, and dried horse poo soil mixture. One of the rooted cuttings died from mold on the roots, as i did not pasteurize/sterilize my horse poo soil component. The next series of pictures shows the process of trimming, scraping, and adding hormone powder to the cuttings. I would find later that scraping was probably detrimental. Another factor that was detrimental was insufficient humidity dome structure. I was overloaded by this many cuttings and struggled for a few days to get the right containers. I left the rockwool cubes alone and just tried to spray them with water. I found out later it is important to soak them in pH appropriate water. Some opt to include fertilizer. I think the high pH of the rockwool, and not realizing how basic my water source was, contributed to failure. Later on, I added small amounts of vinegar to my water for everything. Misting, watering, etc. pH 5.5-6.5, but I didn’t measure except with pH strips occasionally. My tap water is approx. 7.1-7.4. I discovered later that a more effective method with rockwool cubes is to set them on top of at least 2 inches of perlite. It helps to soak up water and retain moisture. Even burying them 50-75% can help, but make sure there is a drainage layer. The last pictures show the successful cuttings, their roots, rockwool separation, and perlite roots. The ones that didn’t root were cut down to the node, repowered with hormone, then placed in ~4in of perlite. It is important to have perlite deep enough to prevent the cutting end from soaking. I used miracle grow perlite. the successful cuttings reached to the bottom where there was water full of fertilizer from draining the perlite, and the newest growth and roots partially turned red. Someone on reddit said this was genetic, but I think it is some type of excess fertilizer symptom. Phosphorus, maybe. While i think the fertilizer enhanced rooting, plain perlite would probably be fine. I also think 25-50% coconut coir with perlite would be an effective rooting medium. My first three cuttings were in peat pods. I added some perlite in the middle of the pod because i saw a picture of some gnarly roots in a perlite cup. I sat the cutting and pod on perlite and put it in a plastic shoebox inverted on another one. All three cuttings rooted. They had plenty of canopy space with no crowding, and i kept the light on for 24hrs for about 3 days. I think maximum light helps cuttings root. Enjoy the pictures, message me for more info or just to talk! More will come later when the rest of them root.
How to grow kratom cuttings – A guide from a customer

How to grow kratom cuttings – A guide from a customer
How to grow kratom cuttings – A guide from a customer – “I have a grow tent on an 18hr per day 300W LED schedule. They took about three weeks to root, and they went from now roots to tons of roots in like 2 days.
I put them in small pots about that size and all of my plants are in Fox Farms Ocean Forest and get fertilized with their liquid fertilizer 1x per week. I use ceramic watering devices to give my plants a steady drip of water, and I mist about 2x daily. The tent also has a humidifier running 24/7 so they are staying at like 80% humidity and >= 75 F at all times. “
Setup instructions
It is important to note to make is: Do not grow these plants like other types of plants. For example these are not tomatoes and will not thrive in the same conditions tomatoes grow in. These Kratom cuttings are rain forest trees. Kratom trees require high heat, high humidity, and lots of water.
How often should I water unrooted kratom cuttings?
How often should I water unrooted kratom cuttings?
Customers should leave the plastic bag these cuttings come in sealed at all times they should not be releasing moisture. There should be no need to water these cuttings. In the event the soil medium begins to firm up it is advised to mist or pour a table spoon or two of water. The soil medium should always be moist to the touch at all times. Even one night of a dried up soil medium will kill a plant seeing as they are so young. You can also mist the cuttings with a water bottle.
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