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The kratom leaf is responsible for a variety of products you know and love, including Kratom Spot’s hand-selected line of powerful kratom powders. Family farmers pluck these leaves directly from Mitragyna speciosa trees, native to Southeast Asia. Kratom users experience wide-ranging benefits from this ethnobotanical. However, they might also experience something else: a not-so-savory aftertaste.

Kratom powder is naturally bitter. Because of this, it can be difficult to pair your kratom dose with the perfect mixer. According to Le Cordon Bleu, an elite culinary institution, bitterness is not generally considered a popular flavor. But with that said, “Bitterness is critical to balance” in the culinary world. According to Cordon Bleu, you can easily cut harsh bitterness with a bit of citrus, some dark greens, or even beer.

But this is kratom, not cooking.

If you didn’t already know, we’ve covered all the best kratom drink combinations, including orange juice and near-boiling water green tea, in the past (which we’ll recap down below, of course). Instead, we have a different message today. Ignore a to-do list for mixing kratom; we have a NOT-to-do list for you:

  • Don’t mix kratom and carbonated drinks.

Why Shouldn’t You Mix Kratom & Carbonated Drinks?

Kratom powder consists of finely-ground plant material that is waxy, fatty, and generally difficult to dissolve in water. Furthermore, when mixing kratom with beverages like orange juice, the water molecules in those beverages adhere to the kratom plant material, forming clumps if you’re not careful. Now imagine mixing kratom with carbonated water instead of still water. The water molecules will adhere to the kratom powder’s waxy, fatty surface, but the carbon dioxide (CO2)—the ingredient responsible for making carbonated water carbonated—will TURN INTO FOAM.

When you drink carbonated beverages, CO2 is often released in the form of bubbles and, consequently, foam. However, when combining carbonated drinks and your daily kratom dose, the rate of CO2 carbonation (bubbliness) increases dramatically.

What Do Kratom Users Say About Mixing Kratom & Carbonated Drinks?

Oh, a few extra bubbles don’t sound that bad? Let’s hear what other kratom users on the Reddit had to say about their experience mixing carbonated drinks and kratom:

“I tried to toss and wash with a soda once, and it just foamed up and was hard to consume. I now wait at least an hour after dosing to drink anything carbonated to avoid bloating” – cheetobandito-

Kratom Spot Pro Tip: “Toss and wash”, or T&W for short, is one of the most popular methods of ingesting kratom in the Western world. It involves tossing a mouthful of kratom powder into your mouth, then washing it down with liquid, generally water or orange juice. Despite the name, we highly recommend you put liquid in your mouth BEFORE kratom powder, as kratom powder is dry and bitter on its own.

“On a road trip recently I poured dry powder in my mouth and chased it with bubbly water. I felt like a seagull on an elementary school campus” – jmeecakes

“Was interesting blowing kratom out of my nose for a day or 2” – scrappy6262

“NO!! Just no. I’ve seen people say they do [mix carbonated drinks and kratom]. But I’ve been in a pinch and was like eh this soda should work. Nope. Never again” – SKallday

Non-Carbonated Alternatives for Mixing Kratom

Now that we know NOT to mix carbonated beverages and kratom, let’s recap some of our favorite kratom drink recipes! Orange juice is an obvious standout, as the citrus yet sweet flavor perfectly balances the natural bitterness of kratom. However, if you want to step your kratom dose up a notch, try some of these other delicious infusions!

Kratom & Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit juice provides a more powerful citrus concoction than orange juice, allowing kratom users to completely overshadow the bitterness of kratom powder with one fell swoop! Furthermore, grapefruit juice is chock full of vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Complex carbs
  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Thiamine
  • Folate
  • Magnesium

Grapefruit juice is also known to improve immune system functionality, aid weight loss, boost heart health, and provide a ton of beneficial antioxidants. Now paint kratom into the picture, and you’ve got yourself a citrus-punching kratom cocktail to write home about!

Kratom Lemonade

Crisp, classic, and refreshing—kratom lemonade combines high-quality kratom powder with delicious lemonade. Like grapefruit and orange juice, the flavor of natural lemons provides a citrus burst that pairs with the earthy flavor of kratom. If you want a perfect homemade kratom lemonade, follow these easy steps:

  1. Add 1 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice (about 10 lemons) to a medium bowl.
  2. Whisk in 1 cup sugar until completely dissolved.
  3. Add about 5 cups of filtered water.
  4. Stir.
  5. Add desired kratom dose, stirring until completely dissolved.
  6. Enjoy!

Easy as that! And as you may have guessed, fresh-squeezed lemons offer additional benefits to kratom users as well. In fact, fresh lemon juice is known to offer a great source of Vitamin C, improve the overall quality of your skin, aid digestion, and more.

Other Great Kratom Drink Combos!

While we can’t recap ALL of our favorite recipes, we’re sure that there’s a kratom drink combination for everyone. If you’re not satisfied with the drinks already listed, try mixing kratom with any of the following Kratom Spot-approved drinks:

  • Green tea with honey
  • Mint tea
  • Chamomile tea
  • Coffee
  • Mocha
  • Mango juice


A users submissions on how they make kratom tea

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Kratom Tea

A users submissions on how they make kratom tea

Shout out to somethingsacred for this submission.
I’ve made tea … maybe 20 or so times . I’ll put lemon juice on leaf and let it sit for a 5-10 minutes, then pour just boiled water in a thermos with the kratom. ,adding maple syrup and a yummy tasting herbal tea .

I Squeezed juice of one lemon, sat for a few minutes, out in freezer over night ( doesn’t have to be that long , but I was prepping) Put 2 t bags , (6 grams ) in thermos , water that was almost boiling, maple syrup. I drank it 2 hours after making it , was still steaming hot ,,,, the best tea I’ve made steeped 4-5 hours in a thermos before drinking … Lemon juice and plenty of maple syrup and long steeping. Making it at night and letting it cool down over night , seems to be a good way. Long steep

Try some today!


How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey

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Bees on Kratom Honey Comb

How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey

How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey.How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey. – Kratom honey report

This is a testimonial about kratom honey.

“Yeah this is a great experience so far. I’m testing the legs and the REPEAT use will be very telling. It’s hard not to just ORDER MORE NOW. LOL You gotta try this

I already have one more batch of honey on The expensive honey is not necessary tho. I’m amazed at how well the leaves held up. I expected to find a bag of GOO resembling an ecoli party! I’ll keep you posted as the experiment continues. I already think this stuff will make a great gift IF I can think of how to get the honey lined up to arrive about the same time. But I have only had an hour or so to think on it. More later! 👍

How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey.Left is while I’m still digging out one more leaf. The stems are not ALWAYS cooperative, but I was able to separate the leaves enough to keep the measurement of 3 leaves (various sized). Right photo is while I’m chewing the last leaf. While the edges of the leaves look brown/dead on some, they arrived that way! Finally upon closing the bag, I squeeze out the air very easily. Like how a clear screen cover on a phone. The bubbles are minimal and you just squeeze them out easily while zipping it back up. Swallowing almost complete at 3:40PM Pacific time. Keeping in mind that I JUST ATE, I already notice clarity as I’m typing. The leaves still taste nasty, but the chewing process is MUCH EASIER than regular live kratom leaves. I ate all veins except the middle stem, from halfway up the leaf up. Everything else is fully consumed in short order. I’m still chewing the last bits at 3:44PM! Not bad!

Here’s a better photo of the closed bag. The brown edges are part brown leaf edge but also honey. Thr shiny stuff is just reflection. This takes quite a lot of honey. So it’s not necessarily practical for shipping. Except it’s necessary! The honey is a brilliant way to make the chewing continue without a hitch. I think I used 12 oz of honey, maybe more. I am giggling about all of this but I do think more experimenting under different circumstances will be helpful. The good news is, I don’t need you to send more! I’ve got a LOT of leaf left to continue various tests!

I recommend turning the bag every day a couple of times if possible to keep the honey touching everything evenly, but it may not be necessary

Swallowing complete 3:51 PM Pacific Time

How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey.

How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey

How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey.How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey.

It’s no more messy on the teeth than a couple of teaspoons of dry leaf.


Couple of days later


How to store Fresh Kratom Leaf in Honey.

Kratom Tea Recipes


Kratom Tea Recipes

Kratom Tea Recipes – A good kratom tea recipe can dramatically help reduce and mask kratom bitterness, however, there aren’t many helpful resources online for this purpose, even on popular kratom websites and forums. Because of this, we have compiled a few recipes that can help reduce bitterness and add flavor.

Kratom Tea Recipes

Speciosa Chai

Kratom Tea Recipes – The most effective kratom tea recipe we have used is a chai blend. Because chai naturally contains a variety of potent herbs, such as cardammon and star anise, the bitter flavor of kratom is highly masked, and with a little bit of tinkering, can actually be enjoyable to drink.

While it’s possible to create this drink from scratch, we have found that the most convenient method is to purchase either chai tea packets or a chai mix. In this method, it’s necessary to create a normal glass of strained tea from kratom powder, and simmer it down to about 1/4 to 1/2 a cup. At this point, if one is using a tea mix, pour the mix to fill the rest of the cup. If using tea bags, add the chai on top of the kratom tea and add milk, cream and sugar (or honey) to taste.

Cafe Mitragyna

Kratom Tea Recipes – Anyone who has gone to some of the more popular coffee chains has noticed the pump flavorings available for a variety of drinks. Interestingly, these flavorings can be a highly effective means of reducing bitterness. These flavors range from fruity to chocolate/caramel, and almost all of them can help mask bitterness and improve the taste of kratom tea. These flavorings are available both at most of these chain coffee shops, as well as online for a discounted price.

Additionally, waiting until the tea has cooled before pumping these flavorings seems to have a positive effect on the kratom tea taste overall.

With these tips and recipes, we hope that you have learned not only how to make kratom tea, but also increase potency and improve taste.


Kratom Leaf – Chew Fresh Organic American Grown

Our very finest product is our whole kratom leaf that is grown in naturally in the USA. Each fresh leaf is equal to around .8 or 1.2g of dried leaf. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2 day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 – 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical Kratom leaf or powder. Whole kratom leaf is only available when the trees are flowering, and all of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 4 – 12 years old.

How to enjoy Fresh Raw Kratom Leaf

Kratom Leaf Vein Colors

Kratom Tea Recipes – The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragyna is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. It’s also a stress mechanism. The mitragyna is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength. Strength also correlates to how mature the leaf is. The more mature the leaf the stronger it will be. When mature leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow. The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

kratom cutting

The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink,red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as that’s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.

kratom leaf

In winter you see mostly white and green with some red. Spring, mostly green, white, some red, with pink starting to show up. In summer, Seed pod are poping up, you see green, white, pink, red, purple. This continues to happens thru Fall. We should note seed pods are best to pick off the tree in Jan – April. Kratom Vein colors usually have its darkest vein color at the exterior of the plant. Getting lighter as you go inward. But is harder to see in summer – fall as all colors are on the tree.

How long should I expect Shipping to take?

All Kratom leaf will only ship out Monday – Wednesday. Customers can select either 2 -day Priority USPS Mail or expedited Shipping. Our friendly staff members will ship out your normally  by 2 pm. Each order will receive a notification and tracking number once the order goes out. Before contacting our staff we recommend that you check your email and spam filter encase you might have missed us. Our staff can be reached at our Email us at A member of our helpful staff would be more than happy to talk with you anytime.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

What happens if there is an issue with my kratom leaf?

We guarantee to get to your cuttings to your door healthy and green. But, sometimes things can happen. If there is ever an issue with your order please contact our team immediately. We ask that you  email us at it is helpful if you also include a photo of the situation. Our helpful staff will try to respond within the hour.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

Kratom project

The Kratom Project

Our goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce “The Kratom Project”. On the #kratomAPP Kratom WatchDog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery.  We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about “The Kratom Project”  and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.

Utilizing a technology called NFC. Near Field Communication, tags are small integrated circuits designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices like smartphones and tablets. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.

The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP

The #KratomAPP

Kratom Tea Recipes –  Join us on our #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.

Juicing with kratom Leaf – Kratom Recipes


Juicing with kratom – Kratom Recipes

Juicing with kratom: This plant famously mixes well with fresh juices. For many, kratom and orange juice is one of the best recipes and the number one way to take their daily dose. Add a blast of mega-health to your drink by juicing fresh fruits and vegetables. You’ll need a basic juicer. Once you’ve got one, try adding your dosage of kratom powder to this very healthy combination of freshly juiced produce:

1 apple
2 carrots
1 lemon
Handful of kale or spinach
Pinch of sliced ginger (adds spice)
5-7 grams of powdered Kratom

Kratom Leaf – Chew Fresh Organic American Grown


Juicing with kratom - Kratom Recipes

Juicing with kratom – Kratom Recipes

If you would like to learn more about kratom we recommend you join us on the #kratomapp kratom watch dog. 

Kratom Applesauce – Kratom Recpies


Applesauce: Sometimes the easiest recipes are the simplest ones. Mixing kratom with the flavor of apple has been used in recipes to sweeten the taste since long before it was introduced in the Western world. The simplest way to make it completely palatable and easy to eat is by stirring the powder directly into applesauce.

1 cup applesauce
Tablespoon of cinnamon
5 grams of kratom powder

Premium Kratom Select Indonesian

Kratom Applesauce - Kratom Recpies

Kratom Applesauce – Kratom Recpies

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. For a really refreshing twist, stash the bowl in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before eating to give it a really invigorating chill. Don’t forget about it in there, though, or you’ll end up with a giant kratom popsicle!

If you would like to learn more about kratom we recommend you join us on the #kratomapp kratom watch dog. 

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible

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Katom seed And God at pearly gates

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible- Introduction

This guide was created as an educational resource to provide accurate information about kratom. It is also intended to correct much of the misinformation circulating on the Internet and being perpetrated by the Media.

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – What is kratom?

Kratom is a tree native to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, etc.). Its botanical name is Mitragyna speciosa. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee tree (Rubiaceae). The leaves of kratom have been used as an herbal drug from time immemorial by peoples of Southeast Asia.

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – How is it taken?

In its native region, kratom leaves are often chewed fresh (usually after removing the stringy central vein). Dried leaves can also be chewed, but since they are a bit tough, most people prefer to crush them up or powder them so that they can be swallowed easily. Powdered kratom can be mixed with water and then drunk. This method is quick and easy. It can also be mixed with other liquids, such as fruit juice, milk, or kefir. Chocolate milk works especially well for masking the taste. Powdered kratom can also be made into a paste that can easily be swallowed with water. The powder can also be mixed with applesauce or yogurt. It can also be put into capsules. Dried kratom leaves are often made into a tea that is strained and then drunk. Kratom can be smoked, but doing so is impractical because the amount of leaf that constitutes a typical dose is too much to be smoked easily. A resin-like extract can be prepared by evaporating the water from kratom tea. This can be stored for later use. Small pellets of this extract can be swallowed, or it can be dissolved in hot water and consumed as a tea. Some people like to mix kratom tea with ordinary black tea, or other herbal teas, before it is consumed. This is done to make it more palatable. Sugar or honey can be added to sweeten it.

Kratom Guide - Kratom Bible

How does one prepare a chocolate kratom milkshake?

This is the nicest way to ingest kratom that we know of. It actually tastes quite good. Chocolate milk masks the bitter taste of kratom remarkably well and its viscosity helps to keep the kratom from settling to the bottom. If you just add powdered kratom to a glass of chocolate milk, the kratom tends to float on top and resists absorbing liquid. Even with stirring, it tends to stay floating on the top and forms lumps. Ideally you want to make a smooth milkshake without lumps and without dry kratom powder floating on the top. To do that, follow these simple instructions:


Use about 1 cup (8 fl. oz.) of chocolate milk per dose of kratom. Chocolate-flavored almond milk also works very well for this, and is non-dairy (we especially like the “dark chocolate” flavored almond milk produced under the brand name Silk®, because of it’s especially thick viscocity and rich flavor).

1.) Put one dose of powdered kratom into an empty glass.
2.) Add an equal volume of chocolate milk (typically, just 1-2 tablespoons).
3.) Stir until the kratom absorbs the liquid completely and forms a homogeneous paste.
4.) Add a few more tablespoons of chocolate milk and stir again until smooth and free of lumps.
5.) Add the remaining chocolate milk and stir again until well mixed.
6.) Drink until the glass is empty.
7.) Add a little more chocolate milk to the glass, stir, and drink. (This caches any kratom particles left clinging to the sides of the glass. And since it is mainly just chocolate milk, it tastes even better than the kratom milkshake.)

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – How does one prepare a powdered kratom PASTE for drinking?

1.) Place a single dose of powdered kratom in a small empty cup.
2.) Add just enough water to make a soft paste (roughly equal parts kratom powder to water, by volume). You will need to stir the mixture for a few minutes until the powder completely absorbs the water and you have a nicely homogenized paste.
3.) Fill a separate glass with water and set it aside. Using a spoon, scoop an easy-to-swallow spoonful of paste into your mouth, then take a big sip of water from the other glass and gulp it down. Repeat spooning, sipping, and swallowing until you have consumed the entire dose. Be careful not to gulp down too much at once, so you don’t accidentally choke on the mixture.

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – How does one prepare a powdered kratom SLURRY for drinking?

1.) Add powdered kratom to a glass of water (or other beverage). For a typical dose of kratom (about 7 grams), use about 1 cup (8 ounces) of water.
2.) Stir thoroughly (until the powder is completely suspended), then gulp it down quickly before it has a chance to settle (it is like drinking a bitter-tasting, slightly fibrous smoothly).
3.) Add more water to the glass to recover any material that stuck to the sides. About 1/2 cup of water should be sufficient, but it doesn’t hurt to use more.
4.) Stir again and drink.
5.) When you have got it all down, you can drink a little fruit juice to chase away the bitter taste. Mint-flavored chewing gum also work great for this.

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – How does one make kratom tea?

Following is a basic recipe for making kratom tea. This recipe makes enough tea for several doses–about 8 moderately strong doses, if using “premium quality” kratom (see “dosage guidelines” below):
1.) Take 2 ounces (56 grams) of dried, coarsely ground or crushed kratom leaves and put into a pot. To this add 1 quart (about 1 liter) of water.
2.) Boil gently for 15 minutes.
3.) Pour the tea through a strainer into a bowl and reserve the liquid.
(squeeze the leaves in the strainer to get most of the liquid out).
4.) Put the leaves back in the pot and add another liter of fresh water. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
(after the leaves have been strained a second time, they can be discarded.)
5.) Put the combined liquid from both boiling’s back into the pot and boil until the volume is reduced to about 1 cup (250 ml).
(The idea is to boil the tea down to a small volume so that each individual dose can be quickly swallowed.
You can boil it down to whatever concentration you are comfortable with. Be careful near the end of the process.
If it starts to become syrupy, it may spatter and/or burn.)

The tea is bitter tasting. To minimize the unpleasant taste, gulp it down quickly and then immediately chase it with a pleasant-tasting bevearge, such as fruit juice.

The same general preparation method can of course be used with larger or smaller amounts of herb by simply adjusting the volume of water used. Kratom tea can be safely stored in the refrigerator for about five days. It is probably okay to keep it a bit longer, but it’s better to play it safe and not drink it after five days. It can be stored for many months if you add some alcohol to it. Adding about 10% alcohol will preserve it for many months (in the refrigerator). That is one part 80 proof liquor (vodka, rum, or a similar spirit) to three parts kratom tea. When refrigerated, some components may precipitate out of solution and form a sediment in the bottom of the container. This sediment may contain active alkaloids so it should be redissolved before consuming the tea. This is easily done by warming the tea and stirring.

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible –  How can I powder dried leaves?

Dried leaves, whether whole, crushed, or coarsely ground, can easily be powdered by putting them in a kitchen blender or coffee grinder and processing for a few minutes at high speed. Many suppliers offer kratom that is already finely powdered.

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – What is kratom’s legal status?

Kratom is illegal in Australia, Denmark, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), and Thailand. It is legal in most of the United States (it is only illegal in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Tennessee, Vermont, and Wisconsin). Some of these countries impose sever penalties for possession of this herb. It is legal in most other countries. Laws can and do change, so be sure that kratom is legal where you live before using it.

Is kratom use detected on drug tests?

Although kratom does contain alkaloids that bind to opiate receptors, they are structurally unrelated to opiate drugs and therefore would not be detected by opiate drug tests. It is technically possible to detect the alkaloids in kratom in body fluids, but since kratom is a legal herbal drug (in most places), it is not normally tested for. This may change, especially if kratom becomes a controlled substance in the United States.

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible –  Where can kratom be purchased?

There are a number of online merchants, in countries where it is legal, who sell the dried kratom leaves, extracts, or both. But, beware of misleading labels and marketing hype. It is important to find a trustworthy source. There have been problems with some vendors selling bogus “kratom” (misrepresenting other herbs as kratom) or adulterating kratom with other herbs and/or chemicals. One of the authors of this guide now offers kratom through his online herbal products company,

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – Can kratom be cultivated?

Kratom can be grown as a house plant (but will have to be cut back because they can grow quite large). They prefer a humid environment. They dislike cold weather and do not tolerate frost. Potted plants can be grown outdoors in temperate climates when the weather is sufficiently warm, and grown indoors the rest of the time. Kratom can be grown outdoors all year in tropical climates. Potted plants should be lightly fertilized every few weeks, but only when actively growing. They can be propagated from cuttings.

Where does the money from your order go to?

We are a small self funded American Kratom nursery. Our team does not take payment for our work. Everything we make goes back into the nursery, Documenting kratom, Our kratom social media platform Kratom Watchdog, Our kratom avatar chat Kynto, and our other kratom advocacy projects.’

3D Drone Mapping American Kratom Nursery’s

Taking to the sky! Utilizing drones, we are able to document our American kratom nursery’s from a different angle.  These drones are able to 3D map our kratom nursery using a technology called LIDAR. Applying these 3D models into our Kratom Avatar Chat Kynto. Our goal is to map out our entire nursery and insert the nursery into the world for users to interact with these trees. Allowing them to take guided or self guided tours. The cool part, is that we can then translate that information into virtual reality (VR). Available on the PlayStation VR, Oculus Platforms, and Google Cardboard.

We will be opening up our tools and software to allow other nurseries and growers to map out their kratom nursery. Interested in having us out to document your nursery? Contact us here or contact us on the Kratom Watchdog app.

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Have you heard of the Kratom Watchdog app? Kratom Watchdog is a kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association (AKA). A booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. Kratom Watchdog is the oldest kratom social media platform online. With over 400 videos and over 200,000 photo’s from our own kratom Nursery. And 7,000 members we have a very strong growers community that are always willing to help. Kratom Watchdog is available on Android, IOS, and at We are a small self funded development studio. If you would like to donate to the development of the platform we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued support.
IOS Download Android Download Button



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