Vein Types: Effects & Analysis

Something unique to this plant, in comparison to many other medicinal plants, is the distinct differences of vein color which result from breeding and growth conditions. These different vein colors often correspond to very reliable differences in effects and can provide strong clues as to what to expect from a given strain.

However, there are some minor exceptions, especially when dealing with strains with a less balanced alkaloid profile such as Thai, or Borneo/Indo strains which on the whole provide a more polarized kratom experience (being more stimulating or sedating, respectively).

White Vein Kratom

Despite the lower amount of 7-hydroxymitragynine found in white vein strains, this vein type should not be treated lightly. White vein kratom has a very strong following, and many have found it very effective for conditions such as lack of focus/energy.

Of all the vein types, white vein shows the most potential as a nootropic (cognition enhancing) substance. Many have found that using this vein type first thing in the morning to be a great substitute for coffee due to it’s “clean” effects on alertness and focus.

Pain Relief: 1/3

Energy: 3/3