3D Drone Mapping American Kratom Nursery
3D Drone Mapping American Kratom Nursery’s
Taking to the sky! Utilizing drones, we are able to document our American kratom nursery’s from a different angle. These drones are able to 3D map our kratom nursery using a technology called LIDAR. Applying these 3D models into our Kratom Avatar Chat Kynto. Our goal is to map out our entire nursery and insert the nursery into the world for users to interact with these trees. Allowing them to take guided or self guided tours. The cool part, is that we can then translate that information into virtual reality (VR). Available on the PlayStation VR, Oculus Platforms, and Google Cardboard.
We will be opening up our tools and software to allow other nurseries and growers to map out their kratom nursery. Interested in having us out to document your nursery? Contact us here or contact us on the Kratom Watchdog app.
Drone footage of kratom nursery INCOMING!

Join us on the only free and open discussion #kratomapp #Kratom Watchdog. Built by one of the founders of the non for profit American Kratom Association (AKA). https://kratomapp.us
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