Rooted Kratom Cutting
Our lush cuttings come from our American nursery. We treat all of our tea cuttings with the love and care they deserve. Our cuttings come from fully established fully mature 5 – 11 year old trees. You can try the leaf from the trees your very cutting came from right now.
Some things to mention about a Kratom Cutting
Something to keep in mind is it is important to not grow these plants like other types of plants. For example these are not tomatoes and will not thrive in the same conditions tomatoes grow in. These Kratom cuttings are rain forest trees. Kratom trees require high heat, high humidity, and lots of water. Please do your research and ask questions. A great resource to use is our #kratomAPP KratomWatchDog.
Here is a fertilizing recommendation write up one of our customers posted on kratomwatchdog.
How long does it take for a kratom cutting to mature?
A Kratom cutting can take any about 5 years to mature. Although current research has been showing that kratom trees actually start to produce mitragynan when they are little cuttings just the amount of mytragynan is so low that is noticeable.
Kratom Vein Colors
The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mytrogynan (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mytrogynan is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. Its also a stress mechanism. The mytrogynan is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength. Strength also correlates to how mature the leaf is. The more mature the leaf the stronger it will be. When mature leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree thru the veins. These leaves will look more yellow. The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink,red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as that’s where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.