What is kratom? Life saving or life ending plant?
When you first heard the name kratom your first question was most likely What is Kratom? Well, here we will go into details on every aspect of the plant.
With this post, you will have certainty to know exactly what to say when someone asks âWhat is Kratom?â. Simply refer them to this page or, if you are great at holding knowledge, tell them about it.
I give you step by step information to answer your the question â What is Kratom?â
I will begin by giving you some background on the plantâs nature to give you a true scope of What kratom is.
What is Kratom?
Its true name is Mitragyna speciosa and it is a native tree to South-east Asia. It can grow higher than 55 feet and as wide as 15 feet in circumference. There are other terms for kratom that you can find kratom is slightly psychoactive but remains in the coffee family.
Kratom has been in nature since before man new it existed. It had to inevitably be discovered, tried and experimented on.
Something to keep in mind is the fact that the media only shows us what it wants to/ the âbestâ stories that they can. It is not because you donât here about it in the news that it does not exist.
The Kratom Plant was discovered by a Dutch botanist. He first tried the plant himself and found that the leaves of the tree had amazing potential in helping him feel Happy, Energized, Motivated, and Relaxed.
In the early discoveries of the kratom leaf, the botanist Pieter Korthals who discovered kratom in 1839 (Wikipedia) shared his discoveries with the native people of the southeast Asian countries. Kratom became an all around healer for many folks of the past.
Kratom was, in fact, helping them with everything from mental stress to pain from injuries. The natives of South East Asia are known to also pick the leaves and chew them.
I would imagine when Kratom was first discovered its alkaloid level incredibly potent due to the lack of picking the tree.
Nobody had touched them and the plant was getting older and more mature. Allowing them to produce more alkaloid levels to their leaves.
The age of the tree and leaf definitely play a part in the potency of the kratom alkaloids.
The natives would use this as a âpick me upâ similar to how we use coffee today.
Some of the media have been portraying kratom in an awful way. These are the facts on kratom and this way you can make an informed decision.
Not by pulling emotional strings and making you fear this plant that could help you if you are a person who needs it.
What is kratom
Also View â How to use Kratom â Different Methods for a guide on using the powder.
Kratom inside the body
What is kratom.
The kratom leaf is what is used by kratom users to get the kratom effect. Today, we donât need to chew on leaves, we can simply Buy Kratom powder and easily ingest it.
The historic ways of ingesting kratom into your body would be quite gruesome considering the taste of the kratom powder.
Kratom leaf contains alkaloids which have shown to be beneficial to a wide variety of individuals.
Mitragynine is the main active alkaloid and a mu-opioid receptor agonist; which means that thereâs a body-mind response when the alkaloid binds to the mu-opioid receptor.
What is kratom
View Kratom effects: What to Expect
The mu opioid receptor in the brain is what agonists such as morphine bind to.
Kratom binds to the mu-delta receptors and is great for people with opiate withdrawals.
What is kratom
Kratom binds to the mu -delta receptor mimicking the function of the previous opiate agonist allowing your body to recover and get clean from the previously toxic state.
Also, 7-hydroxymitragynine is another major alkaloid found in the leaf which is actually stronger than our well-known prescription drug morphine, which is tremendously helpful for people suffering pain and prefers a natural way to get through it.
Is Kratom a new Drug Fad?
If you are a person of conservative nature than maybe this question has come up countless times when the word âKratomâ has been mentioned.
I would like to invite you to understand that kratom is NOT heroin or any opiate of that nature. Kratom simply BINDS to the same receptors as opiates do and tend to resemble (Not an exact copy) of an opiate.
Kratom should not be viewed as a drug although some of the effects may sound drug like, this plant is in the coffee family. The kratom effects that are being used by people who need this plant are truly beneficial.What is kratom
In fact, many people are turning to kratom because they cannot go on living just using the normal prescription drugs.
As you already know, most prescription drugs have opiates in them. Opiates feel amazing in the beginning but come at a price.
It is said that the worst feeling in the world is an opiate withdrawal, and the worst part is, they do not take long to form. Once it is formed, quitting means facing the physical and mental pain that opiate withdrawals will bring and staying on course means staying normal (since the tolerance would naturally go up after taking a drug over and over)
It is important to buy kratom from a reputable vendor because it is crucial to be taking something that is healthy for our bodies.What is kratom. A lot can be said from someone who is promoting something for purely personal gain.
There are people however, that may promote kratom as a legal drug, promoting that you can get a legal high. This is not the way you want to be introduced to the world of kratom nor should you support that company or business. This will only endanger the plantâs reputation.What is kratom.
Kratom is in the coffee family and definitely not in the narcotics family. Even though the plant has psychoactive ingredients, this should not be confused as to something that will make you completely lose motor skills. I have personally been taking kratom powder only and have never felt any negative effects less a headache when taken too much. *Note: Some Kratom Strains May Cause Nausea So always take a new strain slow
Kratom can also be taken every day for people who will need the continued dosage in their bodies. View the Taking Kratom Everyday for more on this.
Different Kratom Origins
Kratom is usually labeled from the country in which it originated and defined by the color of the stem and veins of the leaf. For Example:
- White Vein Kratom â   A white stem kratom is the fastest strain that you can find. It has a  motivating energetic effect that can be used for many different things including working out.
- Green Kratom â   A green stem will have a âmoderateâ effect meaning that you will have benefits of having effects of both fast and slow strains.
- Red Kratom â A Red strain will give you a relaxing effect that can be VERY nice when unwinding at the end of the day. A good red strain will induce small amounts of euphoria that will allow you to relax and meditate to a different extent. This strain is also great for many different things including insomnia and pain relief.
- Maeng Da Kratom â Said to be the best kratom strain on this earth. Its alkaloids are stronger than the normal leaves and this proves to be true in the felt effects of a Maeng Da strain. To see the detailed difference, viewMaeng Da Kratom â Whatâs the Difference?
4 most popular spoken strains
Thailand- Malaysia- Borneo- Indonesian
Thai leaves tend to be more energetic (fast) such as the popular Maeng da.
Malaysian leaves are less energetic (moderate) such as super green Malay
âBaliâ (Borneo) leaves are more sedative(slow) such as Bali or Borneo,
Indonesian leaves are energetic, moderate or sedative making it a triple threat.
What is Kratom used for, and by Who?
Kratom can be used by absolutely anybody.
Most people that tend to suffer from anxiety, depression, lack of focus and procrastination find that kratom is an amazing alternative to the traditional ways of soothing these symptoms aka through a prescription drug received from your trusty doctor.
Kratom restores mental alertness as well and is also a painkiller at higher doses as it becomes a sedative. Kratom also is an amazing help to those who are suffering from opiate addiction for whatever reason.
Opiates are found in a lot of pain medication today and unfortunately, opiate receptors in the brain multiply requiring a physical need.
Kratom comes in with its alkaloids and becomes an opiate receptor agonist so that your brain thinks it still receiving opiates but in fact, it is merely an alkaloid of kratom.
Check out kratom and pain for more on this
Also, kratom is a lot easier to stop than any opiate, making it also a very sought after remedy for those in opiate recovery.
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It is an alternative to the vastly prescribed drugs that are being pushed to you or to sufferers of any of these disorders.
As we all know, or at least should know, prescription drugs are slowly killing our society and luckily, people are finding alternatives rather than suffering nasty side effects.
Why Kratom?
Since the dawn of time man has been using plants to research what they have in store for us. Nature is known to produce extravagant things and I think, subconsciously, we all know this.
Opium: For instance, opium is derived from the poppy plant. The poppy seed is what opium comes from which essentially can be made into opiates or opioids.
Wikipedia description for opium is extremely well said and you would benefit in reading it if you have questions about opium.
With this being said, yes, opium is from the poppy seed that would make it a plant and not necessarily a chemical. Well, this is where human beings step in and experiment. Having a bunch of poppy seeds does not necessarily mean that you have opium.
There are certain steps that man had to take in order to DERIVE (Dictionary Definition) opium from that seed.
Marijuana:Â The same can be said about marijuana. Although marijuana is now showing to be a MAJOR health benefit in people needing it, the problem with people saying âHow can it be dangerous, its just a plantâ.
Well, the thing about it is, you are lighting the bud on fire and inhaling SMOKE (Dictionary Definition) which in turn is used to bring out the THC.
Hence THC being derived from marijuana. However, please do not take this the wrong way, I am not saying marijuana and opium are the same things, at all.
Kratom:Â This brings me to Kratom. Kratom is a tree that grows naturally on the earth like the former two plants just mentioned, HOWEVER, kratom goes through no derivative process.
It simply gets cut off of the tree, ground into powder and then the stem and vein are removed for better quality powder. THIS is ESPECIALLY important to consider when speaking of kratom as a Drug.
Although kratom is a psychoactive plant, it is not derived from anything hence making it quite a lot safer than the former two plants.
The reason that kratom has not had bad press until now should give you a different mindset than the one that the media has tried to portray.
There have been no consequences as of yet that link Directly to kratom use alone.
Natives of where the mitragyna speciosa (kratom) grows naturally, have been chewing on the leaves for centuries. The possible threat kratom may hold is to be less profiting for the opium industry to keep flourishing.
In turn, it may even be a âsecretâ that has been held from us for a very long time.
Again I am not saying, kratom is the answer for you personally, but kratom is known to help thousands, maybe millions of people all over the world.
I personally am very grateful that I have found this plant to know that IF anything grave were to happen *knock on wood* I would be one to turn to kratom before the other two just for these simple reasons:
- Kratom is natural, not derived simply ground
- It is NOT smoked
- No KNOWN grave side effects from the natives using it for centuries
View kratom dangers for more
The prescription pills being prescribed today have a list of side effects that in most cases surpass the amount of good that they give.
The only side effect that I have personally ever encountered was nausea due to taking to much green powder than my body could handle. Much like alcohol, if you overdue you throw it up.
Your body senses that you have burned too much kratom and you must evacuate, also at high intake level it can make you feel drowsy and lethargic.
This is a great way to see people, like myself, who are speaking on pure experience and not hear say and fear.
I found that Shawn at Kratom Info is a blogger that has experience on kratom and he has a great explanation about âIs Kratom Safeâ. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments below.
There are three different types of Kratom
The following is a way to express how the effects would feel. Although everyone is different, people across the internet seem to agree with these concepts.
You will find that there are three different types of kratom these will be:
All this simply means, is basically how it sounds:
Fast: You have a stimulating sensation, more alert, focused and âon the ballâ.
Slow: Â Gives the sensation of mellowness and relaxation\sense of well-being. (not to be confused with TIREDNESS)
Moderate: Is directly in the middle of a stimulating\sense of well-being sensation. It varies from every person, however.
A brief introduction to Kratom seed pods
A brief introduction to Kratom seed pods
Kratom Seeds
Since the viability rate of the fresh seeds is about 20% while that of not-so-fresh seeds is about 10%, you can plant about 5 to 10 seeds per pot. A brief introduction to Kratom seed pods. the seeds are so light, there is a good probability that they will pollinate in the nearby region instead, as they can be easily blown away with the wind and be dropped at a place in the surrounding.
Tips for planting your kratom seeds:
- Choose a perfect spot. Favorably an area that is moist, fertile and with a good drainage.
- Light conditions just as in tropical rain forests. The area should get sufficient sunlight to give the seeds the warmth it needs to thrive. But not too sunny, which can result into drying of soil.
- Drop about 5-10 seeds in the pot. Make sure you have identified what the actual seed looks like. Many times kratom seeds are mistaken for the part of the seed pod when in fact the kratom seed is very tiny.
- Cover it with a thin layer of fertile soil
- Sprinkle water regularly
- A gentle breeze is said to enhance the alkaloid production in the plant and so it is recommended to find a spot which gets considerable amount of breeze. And if not, one can use a fan to produce a light breeze.
- Be sure to provide the seeds with an appropriate amount of fertilizer and plant food regularly, especially during the early phase.
A brief introduction to Kratom seed pods
About Kratom
Native to the Southeast Asia, kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) is a powerful medicinal plant used by thousands throughout the world. The medicinal potentials of this plant are vast, some of the most prominent include: pain relief, mood lifting, energy and immune system stimulation.
There are entire forums on the use and benefits of this impressive plant, which speaks for this plantâs virtue more than we ever could.
What is Kratom
What is Kratom
This means kratom offers a wide range of health benefits listed below.
Health Benefits Of Kratom
Pain Relief
Overcoming Addictions
Reduces Stress, Anxiety and Depression
More Focus on Your Work or Studies
Kratom Enhances Motivation Levels
Promotes Heart Health
Greater Sex Drive
Sleep Deeper for Longer
Lowers Inflammation
Combats Diarrhea
Antioxidant Action of Kratom
Aids Weight Loss
Combats Fatigue
How to Take Kratom
Is It Addictive?
Our very finest product is our whole kratom leaf that is grown in naturally in the USA. Each fresh leaf is equal to around .8 or 1.2g of dried leaf. Each leaf is picked to ship, for freshness we recommend you select 2day shipping. Your leaf will keep for around eight days in the fridge or 3 â 4 days at room temperature in a sealed bag. Can be air dried to preserve the leaf at which point it can be stored like your typical Kratom leaf or powder. Whole kratom leaf is only available when the trees are flowering, and all of our leaf is picked from trees varying in age from 4 â 12 years old.

Buy local Kratom in Port St. Lucie, Fl
Buy American Kratom Leaf!
Kratom Leaf Vein Colors
What is Kratom – The color of a kratom vein are determined by the content of mitragynine (alkaloids) in the vein. The purpose of producing mitragyna is to protect the tree from insects and animals from eating the leaf. Itâs also a stress mechanism. The mitragyna is why the leaf is so bitter and correlates to strength. Strength also correlates to how mature the leaf is. The more mature the leaf the stronger it will be. When mature leaves mature the alkaloids are sucked back into the tree through the veins. These leaves will look more yellow. The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
Buy American Kratom Leaf!
The more alkaloids in the vein. The more red the vein will be. Purple at the high end of alkaloids. White at the low end of alkaloids. It is possible to see all vein colors grow at the same time on the same tree. (pink,red, purple) more near the bottom as that is where they have roots as thatâs where most of the nutrients are. Up the tree will be more (greens and whites). They start getting more color variation the larger they get.
In winter you see mostly white and green with some red. Spring, mostly green, white, some red, with pink starting to show up. In summer, Seed pod are poping up, you see green, white, pink, red, purple. This continues to happens thru Fall. We should note seed pods are best to pick off the tree in Jan â April. Kratom Vein colors usually have its darkest vein color at the exterior of the plant. Getting lighter as you go inward. But is harder to see in summer â fall as all colors are on the tree.
Buy American Kratom Leaf!
The Kratom Project
What is Kratom – Our goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing plant while we grow these magnificent We have taken kratom documentation to a new level and introduce âThe Kratom Projectâ. On the #kratomAPP Kratom WatchDog we tracking our kratom nursery as well as uploading every single interaction our staff has with our fully mature organic American kratom tree nursery. We track is how much and how often we water or fertilize. Furthermore, the growth with photos or video that were taken for the day that are also then accessible from that day on the Kratom Watch Dog in the Photos Section. Contact our team about âThe Kratom Projectâ and help make history. We appreciate the continued support from the kratom community.
Utilizing a technology called NFC. Near Field Communication, tags are small integrated circuits designed to store information that can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices like smartphones and tablets. These small stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices.
The Kratom Bible is also available here on the #kratomAPP
The #KratomAPP
Join us on our #kratomAPP on KratomWatchDog We are a Kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association. We are a booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. You can also find us on our group on Facebook by looking up Kratom The Tree or email us at kozykratom@gmail.com We are more than happy to talk with you anytime, and share our experience.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible

Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible- Introduction
This guide was created as an educational resource to provide accurate information about kratom. It is also intended to correct much of the misinformation circulating on the Internet and being perpetrated by the Media.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – What is kratom?
Kratom is a tree native to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, etc.). Its botanical name is Mitragyna speciosa. Kratom is in the same family as the coffee tree (Rubiaceae). The leaves of kratom have been used as an herbal drug from time immemorial by peoples of Southeast Asia.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – How is it taken?
In its native region, kratom leaves are often chewed fresh (usually after removing the stringy central vein). Dried leaves can also be chewed, but since they are a bit tough, most people prefer to crush them up or powder them so that they can be swallowed easily. Powdered kratom can be mixed with water and then drunk. This method is quick and easy. It can also be mixed with other liquids, such as fruit juice, milk, or kefir. Chocolate milk works especially well for masking the taste. Powdered kratom can also be made into a paste that can easily be swallowed with water. The powder can also be mixed with applesauce or yogurt. It can also be put into capsules. Dried kratom leaves are often made into a tea that is strained and then drunk. Kratom can be smoked, but doing so is impractical because the amount of leaf that constitutes a typical dose is too much to be smoked easily. A resin-like extract can be prepared by evaporating the water from kratom tea. This can be stored for later use. Small pellets of this extract can be swallowed, or it can be dissolved in hot water and consumed as a tea. Some people like to mix kratom tea with ordinary black tea, or other herbal teas, before it is consumed. This is done to make it more palatable. Sugar or honey can be added to sweeten it.
How does one prepare a chocolate kratom milkshake?
This is the nicest way to ingest kratom that we know of. It actually tastes quite good. Chocolate milk masks the bitter taste of kratom remarkably well and its viscosity helps to keep the kratom from settling to the bottom. If you just add powdered kratom to a glass of chocolate milk, the kratom tends to float on top and resists absorbing liquid. Even with stirring, it tends to stay floating on the top and forms lumps. Ideally you want to make a smooth milkshake without lumps and without dry kratom powder floating on the top. To do that, follow these simple instructions:
Use about 1 cup (8 fl. oz.) of chocolate milk per dose of kratom. Chocolate-flavored almond milk also works very well for this, and is non-dairy (we especially like the “dark chocolate” flavored almond milk produced under the brand name SilkÂŽ, because of it’s especially thick viscocity and rich flavor).
1.) Put one dose of powdered kratom into an empty glass.
2.) Add an equal volume of chocolate milk (typically, just 1-2 tablespoons).
3.) Stir until the kratom absorbs the liquid completely and forms a homogeneous paste.
4.) Add a few more tablespoons of chocolate milk and stir again until smooth and free of lumps.
5.) Add the remaining chocolate milk and stir again until well mixed.
6.) Drink until the glass is empty.
7.) Add a little more chocolate milk to the glass, stir, and drink. (This caches any kratom particles left clinging to the sides of the glass. And since it is mainly just chocolate milk, it tastes even better than the kratom milkshake.)
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible – How does one prepare a powdered kratom PASTE for drinking?
1.) Place a single dose of powdered kratom in a small empty cup.
2.) Add just enough water to make a soft paste (roughly equal parts kratom powder to water, by volume). You will need to stir the mixture for a few minutes until the powder completely absorbs the water and you have a nicely homogenized paste.
3.) Fill a separate glass with water and set it aside. Using a spoon, scoop an easy-to-swallow spoonful of paste into your mouth, then take a big sip of water from the other glass and gulp it down. Repeat spooning, sipping, and swallowing until you have consumed the entire dose. Be careful not to gulp down too much at once, so you don’t accidentally choke on the mixture.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible –Â How does one prepare a powdered kratom SLURRY for drinking?
1.) Add powdered kratom to a glass of water (or other beverage). For a typical dose of kratom (about 7 grams), use about 1 cup (8 ounces) of water.
2.) Stir thoroughly (until the powder is completely suspended), then gulp it down quickly before it has a chance to settle (it is like drinking a bitter-tasting, slightly fibrous smoothly).
3.) Add more water to the glass to recover any material that stuck to the sides. About 1/2 cup of water should be sufficient, but it doesn’t hurt to use more.
4.) Stir again and drink.
5.) When you have got it all down, you can drink a little fruit juice to chase away the bitter taste. Mint-flavored chewing gum also work great for this.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible –Â How does one make kratom tea?
Following is a basic recipe for making kratom tea. This recipe makes enough tea for several doses–about 8 moderately strong doses, if using “premium quality” kratom (see “dosage guidelines” below):
1.) Take 2 ounces (56 grams) of dried, coarsely ground or crushed kratom leaves and put into a pot. To this add 1 quart (about 1 liter) of water.
2.) Boil gently for 15 minutes.
3.) Pour the tea through a strainer into a bowl and reserve the liquid.
(squeeze the leaves in the strainer to get most of the liquid out).
4.) Put the leaves back in the pot and add another liter of fresh water. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
(after the leaves have been strained a second time, they can be discarded.)
5.) Put the combined liquid from both boiling’s back into the pot and boil until the volume is reduced to about 1 cup (250 ml).
(The idea is to boil the tea down to a small volume so that each individual dose can be quickly swallowed.
You can boil it down to whatever concentration you are comfortable with. Be careful near the end of the process.
If it starts to become syrupy, it may spatter and/or burn.)
The tea is bitter tasting. To minimize the unpleasant taste, gulp it down quickly and then immediately chase it with a pleasant-tasting bevearge, such as fruit juice.
The same general preparation method can of course be used with larger or smaller amounts of herb by simply adjusting the volume of water used. Kratom tea can be safely stored in the refrigerator for about five days. It is probably okay to keep it a bit longer, but it’s better to play it safe and not drink it after five days. It can be stored for many months if you add some alcohol to it. Adding about 10% alcohol will preserve it for many months (in the refrigerator). That is one part 80 proof liquor (vodka, rum, or a similar spirit) to three parts kratom tea. When refrigerated, some components may precipitate out of solution and form a sediment in the bottom of the container. This sediment may contain active alkaloids so it should be redissolved before consuming the tea. This is easily done by warming the tea and stirring.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible –Â How can I powder dried leaves?
Dried leaves, whether whole, crushed, or coarsely ground, can easily be powdered by putting them in a kitchen blender or coffee grinder and processing for a few minutes at high speed. Many suppliers offer kratom that is already finely powdered.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible –Â What is kratom’s legal status?
Kratom is illegal in Australia, Denmark, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), and Thailand. It is legal in most of the United States (it is only illegal in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Tennessee, Vermont, and Wisconsin). Some of these countries impose sever penalties for possession of this herb. It is legal in most other countries. Laws can and do change, so be sure that kratom is legal where you live before using it.
Is kratom use detected on drug tests?
Although kratom does contain alkaloids that bind to opiate receptors, they are structurally unrelated to opiate drugs and therefore would not be detected by opiate drug tests. It is technically possible to detect the alkaloids in kratom in body fluids, but since kratom is a legal herbal drug (in most places), it is not normally tested for. This may change, especially if kratom becomes a controlled substance in the United States.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible –Â Where can kratom be purchased?
There are a number of online merchants, in countries where it is legal, who sell the dried kratom leaves, extracts, or both. But, beware of misleading labels and marketing hype. It is important to find a trustworthy source. There have been problems with some vendors selling bogus “kratom” (misrepresenting other herbs as kratom) or adulterating kratom with other herbs and/or chemicals. One of the authors of this guide now offers kratom through his online herbal products company, KratomLeaf.us.
Kratom Guide – Kratom Bible –Â Can kratom be cultivated?
Kratom can be grown as a house plant (but will have to be cut back because they can grow quite large). They prefer a humid environment. They dislike cold weather and do not tolerate frost. Potted plants can be grown outdoors in temperate climates when the weather is sufficiently warm, and grown indoors the rest of the time. Kratom can be grown outdoors all year in tropical climates. Potted plants should be lightly fertilized every few weeks, but only when actively growing. They can be propagated from cuttings.
We are a small self funded American Kratom nursery. Our team does not take payment for our work. Everything we make goes back into the nursery, Documenting kratom, Our kratom social media platform Kratom Watchdog, Our kratom avatar chat Kynto, and our other kratom advocacy projects.’Where does the money from your order go to?
Taking to the sky! Utilizing drones, we are able to document our American kratom nurseryâs from a different angle. These drones are able to 3D map our kratom nursery using a technology called LIDAR. Applying these 3D models into our Kratom Avatar Chat Kynto. Our goal is to map out our entire nursery and insert the nursery into the world for users to interact with these trees. Allowing them to take guided or self guided tours. The cool part, is that we can then translate that information into virtual reality (VR). Available on the PlayStation VR, Oculus Platforms, and Google Cardboard. We will be opening up our tools and software to allow other nurseries and growers to map out their kratom nursery. Interested in having us out to document your nursery? Contact us here or contact us on the Kratom Watchdog app.3D Drone Mapping American Kratom Nurseryâs
Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS Have you heard of the Kratom Watchdog app? Kratom Watchdog is a kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association (AKA). A booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. Kratom Watchdog is the oldest kratom social media platform online. With over 400 videos and over 200,000 photo’s from our own kratom Nursery. And 7,000 members we have a very strong growers community that are always willing to help. Kratom Watchdog is available on Android, IOS, and at kratomwatchdog.com. We are a small self funded development studio. If you would like to donate to the development of the platform we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued support. Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS
How to deal with Kratom Wobbles – Kratom Bible
How to deal with Kratom Wobbles – Kratom Bible
The âWobblesâ is a term that was coined within kratom communities to describe the most prominent side effect of kratom, especially Bali strains. The wobbles are defined by the difficulty to refocus the eyes at a specific point without strain and annoyance; this effect can lead to headaches and nausea.
While the wobbles are not much more than an annoyance, driving or operating other heavy machinery while experiencing the wobbles is dangerous, and should never be attempted.
Avoiding the Wobbles
The easiest way to avoid the wobbles is to keep dosage below the side effect threshold. This threshold can vary between strains and plants. Typically, doses under 5 grams will generally prevent the wobbles, although there are some exceptions
Strains by Wobble Factor
- Bali â High
- Green Malaysian â Moderate/High
- Indo â Moderate
- Maeng Da â Moderate
- Thai â Moderate/Low
- True Borneo â Low
Note: It is much more to experience the wobbles with strained kratom tea; leading many to believe that it is an effect caused by one of the fat-soluble alkaloids.
Combating the Wobbles
While there is not much information available on combating the wobbles, there are a few things that can help in the process.
- Activated Charcoal â This supplement is one of the most effective ways to get rid of the wobbles; it works by adsorbing a  portion of the wobble-causing alkaloids, negating the effects almost entirely.
- Food/Carbonated Drinks â While these wonât help get rid of the wobbles, they can speed up digestion, allowing the symptoms to pass more quickly (if inevitable).
Preparing Kratom â Modern & Traditional Methods
Kratom Preparation â Traditional and Modern Methods
Throughout the thousands of years kratom has been used, preparation methods have remained relatively the same; however, as western society has interacted with this plant, there have been some unique additions â Â recipes and methods to fit our unique needs.
The Kratom Quid
The quid is the original method of kratom use for Southeast Asian cultures, especially Thailand. The quid method of use involves taking fresh kratom leaves (a rare commodity in the western world), removing the stems and veins in one quick motion, bundling the kratom and chewing it while holding the saliva and chewed leaf material in their mouth.
The quid works through mostly sublingual methods, however, the swallowed portion also has a considerable effect.
Toss and Wash Method
One of the most common kratom preparation methods, if it could be called preparation at all, is the toss ânâ wash. This method is typically done by:
- Putting water (or other liquid) in the mouth
- Adding desired kratom dose to this water
- Submerging and mixing the kratom/water mixture within the mouth to avoid dry particles getting caught in the mouth and throat
- Taking another gulp of water while simultaneously swallowing the mixture
- Chasing with more water to get down any debris
Kratom Tea
This is another very common preparation method, both in the west and east. Learning how to make kratom tea is fairly simple:
- Add water to pot (3-10 ounces)
- Add desired kratom dose
- Simmer for 15 â 45 minutes (20 minutes typically suffices)
- Optional: strain powder
Tea is considered effective by many because of the quick onset of effects; however, by straining out the powder, one may lose the full alkaloid spectrum of the plain leaf, reducing some medicinal potentials.
Tea Tips
- Adding water to kratom powder and freezing prior to making tea can increase the amount of alkaloids absorbed
- Adding lemon juice, or small amounts of citric acid can also increase amount of alkaloids absorbed
- One can salvage the strained powder from tea and reuse it to ensure no alkaloids are wasted
Kratom Tea Recipes
Because some are more sensitive to the bitter taste of kratom tea, many tea recipes have been developed. One of the most effective we have seen for masking the taste of kratom is to mix it with a flavoring, or mixture.
Speciosa Chai
One of the most effective kratom recipes we have found is what we have heard called âSpeciosa Chaiâ. This method is very simple and is composed of a few simple steps:
- Condense kratom tea to 3-4 ounces
- Add 4-5 ounces of Chai tea mixture
- Add sugar & cream/milk if desired
There are a variety of different chai mixtures one can experiment with; however, the Tazo Organic Chai Black Tea mix is the favorite we have seen at an associated kava bar in our area.
Simple Flavorings
Something that we have seen to be surprisingly effective at masking the taste  are pump flavoringsâ especially the fruit-based flavorings. You can find these pump flavorings at local coffee shops or online for a very reasonable cost.
Mixtures & Blends
Another common method that has been more recently for those who donât want to toss ânâ wash or make tea, is to mix kratom. Some of the most common mixers we have heard are:
- Yogurt
- Applesauce
- Peanut Butter
- Honey
- Juice
- Chocolate Milk
Mixing kratom with these has the added benefit of allowing it to be taken while minimizing the taste, however, with some of these it may take longer to digest.
Another creative method we have heard is to kratom with peanut butter to form little peanut butter balls to swallow. Nearly any decent tasting drink/mixture can be effective.
Additionally, tools such as blender bottles, commonly used for protein shakes, have been suggested for this process.
Kratom Capsules
A common form of kratom preparation is by capping the kratom powder rather than taking it whole, mixed or in tea form. Kratom capsules have the benefit of being easy to use.
Buying capsules can be extremely expensive in comparison to powder, and kratom capsules (especially the variety sold by less reputable companies at shady stores and gas stations) that have had a big part in giving kratom a bad name. Additionally, when buying these capsules you donât really know what youâre getting, as it isnât an approved dietary supplement; which could lead to dangers for both the user, and kratomâs legality.
Because of this, anyone who wants to keep kratom legal should avoid buying kratom capsules. There are a large variety of capsule tools, such as âThe Capsule Machineâ and âCap m Quickâ, which can make capsules in bulk (and save you a tremendous amount of money over time in the process).
Kratom Strain Differences – Kratom Bible
Kratom Strain Differences
Differences between strains is a factor that canât be overlooked when calculating a dosage. There are a few primary strains that should be dosed relatively lower than the average, these strains are:
- Maeng Da â Potent, active at lower doses
- Bali â Side effects encountered at lower doses in comparison to other strains
- Thai â Can be overstimulating for some at higher doses
Because of this, it is a good idea to modify dosage with these strains accordingly in order to achieve best results. Some strains, such as Borneo, can be dosed relatively higher, due to their lack of side-effects. Because of this variability in strains, it is advisable to start low with any new or unknown strain.
Traditional Dosage – Kratom Bible
Traditional Dosage
Dosage has been a key factor for those looking for specific effects. By dosing too low, the medicinal capabilities are nulled, while dosing too high can often lead to relatively harmless, but potentially unpleasant side-effects, such as the âwobblesâ and minor nausea. To learn about kratom dosage, refer below.
Average Dosage by Grams
- Mild â 1 to 2 grams
- Moderate â 2-4.5 grams
- High â 4.5 â 8 grams
Average Dosage by Teaspoon
- Mild â .5 Â to .9 tsp
- Moderate â 1 to 2 tsp
- High â 2 to 3.5 tsp
It should be noted that due to varying potency between strains and plants, this estimate is in no way standardized, instead it an estimate based on historical and experiential reports. Doses at the the âhighâ end of the spectrum are also much more likely to cause side-effects, depending upon the strain.
Enhanced Kratom Leaf – Kratom Bible
Enhanced Leaf
Enhanced leaf has become the go-to choice of many extract users due to itâs high potency and lack of side effects. Enhanced leaf is used by taking a highly potent kratom extract, dissolving it in a solution, soaking kratom leaves/powder in this solution and letting it dry. When done correctly, this method can create a highly potent leaf.
One of the most popular enhanced leaf blends of our era is known as Ultra Enhanced Indo otherwise known as UEI.
- Very potent when done well
- Lack of side-effects per potency
- Typically well-rounded
- Highly effective for pain
- Rapid development of tolerance
- Relatively high price
Kratom Tinctures – Kratom Bible
Kratom Tinctures
Unlike the other forms of extracts, kratom tinctures can vary in their method of extraction and their potency; because of this, buying them from an disreputable source can leave one disappointed. On the other hand, when they are done well, they can be quite potent.
- Ease of Use
- Fast-acting
- Convenience of storage
- Typically expensive
- Variable Potency
- Rarely provide a full-spectrum of effects
- Rapid development of tolerance
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