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Mitragyna Speciosa, better known as kratom, can be a polarizing topic. Several states and local jurisdictions have imposed their own kratom bans throughout the US, so users need to understand local kratom laws before trying kratom for themselves.

So for the Sunflower State, we ask: Is kratom legal in Kansas?

Yes, kratom is legal in Kansas, but the natural botanical’s future in the state wasn’t always clear.

Let’s dive in and learn all about the history of kratom in Kansas and about the stakes of kratom legality for all Kansas residents.

Current Legality of Kratom in Kansas

Kratom is legal throughout all of Kansas. None of Kansas’s cities or counties have imposed local kratom bans, so users are free to enjoy kratom wherever they may roam in the state.

But Kansas kratom hasn’t been free of controversy. The story of the Kansas kratom ban is a reminder for users across the US of the need to remain vigilant, share their experiences with kratom, and help advocacy groups like the American Kratom Association in their work to bring kratom awareness to the masses.

The 2018 Kansas Kratom Ban

In 2018, the future of Kansas kratom legality was under threat. At that time, a bill was proposed that would reclassify kratom, placing it on the controlled substance list and preventing Kansas residents from buying or using kratom in the state.

Thankfully, Kansas residents stepped-up to protect access to kratom in their state.

As is so often the case, the American Kratom Association (AKA) led a campaign to raise awareness and defeat the proposed legislation.

Local Advocacy Saves Kansas Kratom

Partnered with the Botanical Education Alliance (BEA), the AKA helped local residents to organize, share their experiences with kratom, and bring greater awareness to the many benefits that kratom can provide.

By collecting testimonials, encouraging users to email their state lawmakers, and shining the spotlight on all things kratom, these efforts helped legislators to change their minds and remove kratom from the revised list.

Some of Kansas’s lawmakers were still dead set on restricting access to kratom. However, the group was ultimately convinced by users’ heartfelt first-hand accounts, the AKA’s presented evidence, and the general consensus that there was no conclusive evidence that would justify an outright kratom ban.

As a result, Kansas was removed from the proposed bill prior to its passage in May 2018.

The Future of Kansas Kratom

The story of the 2018 Kansas kratom ban is an inspiring one, and it’s a reminder of the power of sharing your voice. But there’s still no guarantee for kratom’s future in Kansas — or elsewhere in the United States.

Thankfully, Kansas has joined the ranks of states considering the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA). This important piece of legislation would help ensure that users have access to safe, natural kratom for years to come. In part, the KCPA would:

  • Ban the sale of any kratom product mixed with other dangerous or outlawed substances
  • Restrict the sale of kratom to users above a specified age
  • Impose strict quality standards on kratom manufacturers and their products
  • Mandate quality and purity testing for all kratom products prior to sale

Kansas is still considering the KCPA, but it has made some progress toward its passage. In January of 2021, a new bill was introduced that would enact many of the KCPA’s requirements, but it’s still uncertain how those efforts will pan out.

Regardless of how Kansas’s proposed law goes, one thing’s clear: users like you have the power to make a difference.

By advocating for kratom, educating your community about its uses, and supporting groups like the AKA, users like you can help ensure that safe, legal kratom is available to all for years to come.

Which States Have Banned Kratom?

Kratom is legal throughout all of Kansas, but not all states are so lucky. Several states have imposed their own kratom bans.

Currently, the states that have outright banned kratom are as follows:

  • Alabama classified kratom’s primary alkaloids, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxy-mitragynine, as Schedule I narcotics in May 2016. This likens kratom to substances like ecstasy and heroin, an unjust misclassification.
  • Arkansas banned kratom in February of 2016. In 2017, state medical examiners incorrectly stated that kratom’s alkaloids are derived from opium. It is unlikely we’ll see the Arkansas kratom ban lifted soon.
  • Indiana outlawed kratom in 2014 but incorrectly listed the botanical as a synthetic cannabinoid. The legislature later amended their language, classifying kratom as a hallucinogenic substance, another misclassification.
  • Rhode Island banned kratom’s alkaloids in 2017. Due to public outcry in other states, Rhode Island’s ban occurred in secret, confusing both residents and law officials. The state will vote on a measure to reverse the ban on September 1st, 2021.
  • Vermont banned kratom’s alkaloids in 2016, but they were improperly classified as “synthetic drugs.” In January of 2020, lawmakers filed a bill to decriminalize kratom products, but kratom’s future is still uncertain in the state.
  • Wisconsin banned kratom’s alkaloids in 2014, incorrectly associating kratom with both synthetic cannabinoids and hallucinogenic drugs. In 2019, lawmakers held informational meetings with the American Kratom Association (AKA), a step in the right direction.

In addition, several states have imposed restrictions o kratom. Even more, some states’ counties have imposed their own local bans. These states include California, Illinois, and New Hampshire.

For the rest of the United States, kratom remains a safe, legal, and accessible option for users to buy kratom at their convenience and to take control of their health and wellness.


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The kratom leaf is responsible for a variety of products you know and love, including Kratom Spot’s hand-selected line of powerful kratom powders. Family farmers pluck these leaves directly from Mitragyna speciosa trees, native to Southeast Asia. Kratom users experience wide-ranging benefits from this ethnobotanical. However, they might also experience something else: a not-so-savory aftertaste.

Kratom powder is naturally bitter. Because of this, it can be difficult to pair your kratom dose with the perfect mixer. According to Le Cordon Bleu, an elite culinary institution, bitterness is not generally considered a popular flavor. But with that said, “Bitterness is critical to balance” in the culinary world. According to Cordon Bleu, you can easily cut harsh bitterness with a bit of citrus, some dark greens, or even beer.

But this is kratom, not cooking.

If you didn’t already know, we’ve covered all the best kratom drink combinations, including orange juice and near-boiling water green tea, in the past (which we’ll recap down below, of course). Instead, we have a different message today. Ignore a to-do list for mixing kratom; we have a NOT-to-do list for you:

  • Don’t mix kratom and carbonated drinks.

Why Shouldn’t You Mix Kratom & Carbonated Drinks?

Kratom powder consists of finely-ground plant material that is waxy, fatty, and generally difficult to dissolve in water. Furthermore, when mixing kratom with beverages like orange juice, the water molecules in those beverages adhere to the kratom plant material, forming clumps if you’re not careful. Now imagine mixing kratom with carbonated water instead of still water. The water molecules will adhere to the kratom powder’s waxy, fatty surface, but the carbon dioxide (CO2)—the ingredient responsible for making carbonated water carbonated—will TURN INTO FOAM.

When you drink carbonated beverages, CO2 is often released in the form of bubbles and, consequently, foam. However, when combining carbonated drinks and your daily kratom dose, the rate of CO2 carbonation (bubbliness) increases dramatically.

What Do Kratom Users Say About Mixing Kratom & Carbonated Drinks?

Oh, a few extra bubbles don’t sound that bad? Let’s hear what other kratom users on the Reddit had to say about their experience mixing carbonated drinks and kratom:

“I tried to toss and wash with a soda once, and it just foamed up and was hard to consume. I now wait at least an hour after dosing to drink anything carbonated to avoid bloating” – cheetobandito-

Kratom Spot Pro Tip: “Toss and wash”, or T&W for short, is one of the most popular methods of ingesting kratom in the Western world. It involves tossing a mouthful of kratom powder into your mouth, then washing it down with liquid, generally water or orange juice. Despite the name, we highly recommend you put liquid in your mouth BEFORE kratom powder, as kratom powder is dry and bitter on its own.

“On a road trip recently I poured dry powder in my mouth and chased it with bubbly water. I felt like a seagull on an elementary school campus” – jmeecakes

“Was interesting blowing kratom out of my nose for a day or 2” – scrappy6262

“NO!! Just no. I’ve seen people say they do [mix carbonated drinks and kratom]. But I’ve been in a pinch and was like eh this soda should work. Nope. Never again” – SKallday

Non-Carbonated Alternatives for Mixing Kratom

Now that we know NOT to mix carbonated beverages and kratom, let’s recap some of our favorite kratom drink recipes! Orange juice is an obvious standout, as the citrus yet sweet flavor perfectly balances the natural bitterness of kratom. However, if you want to step your kratom dose up a notch, try some of these other delicious infusions!

Kratom & Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit juice provides a more powerful citrus concoction than orange juice, allowing kratom users to completely overshadow the bitterness of kratom powder with one fell swoop! Furthermore, grapefruit juice is chock full of vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Complex carbs
  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Thiamine
  • Folate
  • Magnesium

Grapefruit juice is also known to improve immune system functionality, aid weight loss, boost heart health, and provide a ton of beneficial antioxidants. Now paint kratom into the picture, and you’ve got yourself a citrus-punching kratom cocktail to write home about!

Kratom Lemonade

Crisp, classic, and refreshing—kratom lemonade combines high-quality kratom powder with delicious lemonade. Like grapefruit and orange juice, the flavor of natural lemons provides a citrus burst that pairs with the earthy flavor of kratom. If you want a perfect homemade kratom lemonade, follow these easy steps:

  1. Add 1 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice (about 10 lemons) to a medium bowl.
  2. Whisk in 1 cup sugar until completely dissolved.
  3. Add about 5 cups of filtered water.
  4. Stir.
  5. Add desired kratom dose, stirring until completely dissolved.
  6. Enjoy!

Easy as that! And as you may have guessed, fresh-squeezed lemons offer additional benefits to kratom users as well. In fact, fresh lemon juice is known to offer a great source of Vitamin C, improve the overall quality of your skin, aid digestion, and more.

Other Great Kratom Drink Combos!

While we can’t recap ALL of our favorite recipes, we’re sure that there’s a kratom drink combination for everyone. If you’re not satisfied with the drinks already listed, try mixing kratom with any of the following Kratom Spot-approved drinks:

  • Green tea with honey
  • Mint tea
  • Chamomile tea
  • Coffee
  • Mocha
  • Mango juice





Believe it or not, every kratom product you know and love derives from one source: the mitragyna speciosa tree. A member of the coffee family, the mitragyna speciosa is a tropical evergreen tree native only to Southeast Asia. However, this single tree gives us a variety of different strains of kratom. It’s important to understand these different kratom strains in order to find the best fit for your health and wellness.

But what are these different strains of kratom?

  • Red Vein Kratom
  • White Vein Kratom
  • Green Vein Kratom

If you’ve ever purchased kratom from Kratom Spot, you’re probably quite familiar with these strains. Every kratom product on the market fits into one of these three categories. And if you’re left wondering: what about strains like Maeng Da and Bali Kratom? Don’t worry: we’ll get to those in a minute.

First, we must look at the ‘Big Three’ kratom strains to understand the similarities and differences between them. Today, we’ll examine:

  • Red Vein vs. White Vein Kratom
  • Red Vein vs. Green Vein Kratom
  • White Vein vs. Green Vein Kratom

The ‘Big Three’ Strains of Kratom

The different kratom strains to be aware of are the red, white, and green kratom varieties. These are commonly written as “red vein”, “white vein”, and “green vein” kratom because the color comes from the veins of the kratom leaf. Although all three of these strains derive from the mitragyna speciosa tree, red vein kratom is created by allowing kratom leaves to mature longer on the tree.

In addition, red vein kratom products are some of the most popular on the market. Why? Many kratom users seek a relaxing experience. Red vein kratom varieties are said to offer this relaxation more than other strains of kratom.

But what about white vein and green vein kratom? Well, white vein kratom lies at the opposite end of the spectrum. In general, white vein kratom products offer a much more uplifting experience, known for energizing users and instilling motivation. Green vein kratom falls somewhere between red and white vein kratom strains, acting as a middle-ground between these two strains.

It’s also important to note that different kratom strains may affect users differently. All of us are unique individuals with unique nervous systems. This means that it’s possible for one kratom user to have a completely different experience than the next, even if both take the same strain.

Red Vein vs. White Vein Kratom

When discussing red vein vs. white vein kratom, let’s first remember that these two strains of kratom lie at opposite ends of the spectrum. Red vein kratom is known as the relaxing strain, while white vein kratom is known as the energizing strain. Right off the bat, the most prominent difference between these strains is their effect on users.

Red Vein vs. Green Vein Kratom

When discussing red vein vs. green vein kratom, the differences are much less pronounced than red vein vs. white vein kratom. However, red vein kratom is said to offer a relaxing experience, while green vein kratom is generally preferred by daily kratom users. Why? The hybrid effects of green vein kratom allow users to remain active throughout the day while also experiencing some of red vein kratom’s characteristic relaxing effects. In essence, green veins offer some of the relaxing components of red veins, but with a more balanced effect.

White Vein vs. Green Vein Kratom

Finally, the last of the different kratom strains known as the ‘Big Three’: white vein vs. green vein kratom. As we said, when discussing red vein vs. green vein kratom, green veins are hybrid kratom strains. How does this hybrid compare to white vein kratom? Well, green vein and white vein strains of kratom share an energizing component. However, white veins are much more energizing, enacting heightened alertness. Green vein offers less powerful energizing effects, smoothed out with a bit of red vein-esque relaxation.

The Different Kratom Strains & Regional Varieties

So you understand the similarities and differences between the ‘Big Three’ kratom strains. However, if you poke around Kratom Spot, you’ll see something else: regional varieties of kratom. Most notably:

  • Bali Kratom
  • Indo Kratom
  • Maeng Da Kratom

You might think, are these strains different from the red vein, white vein, and green vein kratom strains we just learned about? However, these strains differ only in origin. As we said, kratom products all derive from just one source, the mitragyna speciosa tree. So while kratom vendors like Kratom Spot differentiate these strains into their own category, these regional varieties of kratom fit into the ‘Big Three’ color categories of kratom strains.

It’s important to note that regional variations of kratom do, in fact, affect the kratom experience you’ll come to enjoy. However, regional differences have less of an impact than vein color. Always check product descriptions when purchasing regional kratom varieties to ensure that you’re getting the different kratom strains that work best for your wellness regimen.

Finding the Perfect Kratom Strains for You

Just to recap what we’ve learned:

  • Red vein kratom is known for relaxation.
  • White vein kratom is known for energy.
  • Green vein kratom is a hybrid of both red and white vein kratom.

It’s important to understand the differences between different kratom strains in order to get the most from your health and wellness regimen. Furthermore, knowing what works for you helps you overcome issues like stagnant strain syndrome. It also helps you avoid kratom scams like yellow kratom.

And if you don’t yet know the different kratom strains that work best for your routine, fear not! At Kratom Spot, we offer a variety of kratom sample packs that let you try different vein colors. Let us help you find the best strains of kratom for you!

The Truth About Strains An in-depth guide on the kratom industries strains


The Truth About Strains

An in-depth guide on the kratom industries strains

After 6 years of medium scale importing and daily kratom use, and from all the research we have gathered, both scientific and industry based, we have discerned that there is little truth or substance to the strains in the kratom industry. Here we give you an in-depth, behind the scenes look at Indonesian manufacturing practices. Furthermore, we break down the science that is currently available on strains. By educating our customers, we can help them avoid lower quality kratom, and help them to understand why it is in their best interests to source the greenest kratom they can.

As we continue to learn more about the industry and the science available, we will continue to update this page. As such, we have recently come to learn there may be some truth to the consensus that greens are more stimulating, and reds are more sedative. But contrary to popular belief, it is not because reds have elevated 7-OH levels. It is very likely that fermenting increases a certain chemical that induces relaxing effects. You haven’t heard this one before. Be sure to read until the end to find out!

The first fallacy most customers believe is that the strains are sourced from different countries. Strains such as Malay, Thai, Vietnam, and Bali suggest that the leaves are sourced from these different regions/countries. However, nearly all of the world’s kratom (99.9%+) is sourced from Indonesia, more specifically from the region of Borneo. Kratom has been illegal in Malaysia and Thailand for quite some time, and we haven’t seen any valid evidence that supports kratom growing in Vietnam. And while Bali is in Indonesia where kratom is legal, it is mainly a tourist island. There is no kratom sourced from the island of Bali and no evidence that kratom even grows here. Therefore all of the Malay, Thai, Vietnam, and Bali on the US market are sourced from Borneo. Most kratom suppliers live in the city of Pontianak, while the leaves are sourced from farms and areas along the Hulu Kapuas river.

A common rebuttal we hear to the strain locations is that farmers got the genetics from these different countries and grew them in Indonesia. Considering how widely unregulated the kratom industry is, it doesn’t make sense to trust thousands of different suppliers are upholding some code of honor to make sure strains are authentic. The internet has allowed third world people who own very little to contact American kratom buyers and broker deals. Most American kratom importers are buying from a broker rather than directly through the manufacturer. The Indonesians will give you anything you ask for, and since the strains are all made up anyway, they might as well lie to you, because if they don’t, they’re giving your business to someone else who will.

Now lets get to the science available on strains….

Scientists have studied the different leaf types. There are red vein leaves, white vein leaves, and green vein leaves. There are also horned leaves that come with all three vein colors. Thus far scientists have found no noticeable difference in the alkaloid content or the ratio of alkaloids between the different leaf types. This has been stated by Dr. Chris McCurdy, a researcher at the University of Florida, who is one of the world’s leading researchers on kratom. You can click the following Soundcloud link below to hear Dr. McCurdy say this.

“From the research we’ve carried out comparing the different strains and different leaf forms, we really haven’t seen much of a difference in their chemical compositions or makeup, and not even a difference of the ratio of alkaloids in those plants”

– Christopher McCurdy, Ph.D, F.A.A.P.S

Believe it or not, red vein, white vein, and green vein leaves can all grow from the same tree. There are many variables that can contribute to the alkaloid content of a kratom plant (soil, sunlight, water, nutrients). Since kratom is farmed outdoors, these variables are not controlled. We believe that the variables must be controlled with indoor growing before anyone can declare with certainty that their genetics are resulting in  certain alkaloids are consistently higher, or lower. We believe that a mature and healthy kratom plant will contain a robust alkaloid profile.

Now we will get to the Indonesian industry practices and this is where you’ll really learn what is going on with strains. The following link, posted by a reddit user, is the single most in-depth resource we have found on industries manufacturing practices, aside from our own:

The Truth On Strains and Production Personally Witnessed

In the kratom industry, you’ll find red, white, and green kratom are sold as red vein, white vein, and green vein. This leads buyers to believe farmers are separating the leaves by different type. However, if you read the link above you’ll learn this is not the case. Most of the world’s kratom comes from a few large processing centers. Huge dump trucks full of kratom leaves are brought into the city where these big processors buy their leaves and turn them into powder. These sacks are not labeled, meaning the leaves are not separated by type. Each processor will use the sacks filled with various leaf types to make up all their different strains.


So every batch of kratom is actually a mixture of all different kinds of leaves, but the majority of leaves are red vein. Some have said as much as 99% of the leaves in Indonesia are red vein. Separating leaves by the different type would not only be tedious work, but considering the science that currently shows the leaves have no noticeable differences, it would be pointless also. Manufacturers will turn one harvest lot of leaves  into dozens of strains, just by making the color of the powder different. The greenest powders become green strains, the reddest become red strains, and anything in between is white.

The red “strains” often go through different drying techniques/lengths to achieve a red colored powder. If your kratom vendor is providing you with green powder when you order red or white vein, then we believe they are doing a good job and looking out for your best interests. But most of the industry is not doing this. To prove that, compare google image results of red maeng da to green maeng da, or any strain of red vs. green. What you’ll find is that the color of the powder with red strains is most often red. It has nothing to do with the vein color, and everything to do with powder color.

Take a look at this red vein kratom leaf. Aside from the vein, notice that the leaf is green. If kratom leaves are de-stemmed and de-veined (and they are), tell me, why would a green leaf produce a red colored powder? Heck, even if the vein remained, would it really dominate the color that much to turn the powder red? No!

If you clicked that reddit link you saw how fresh green leaves are placed in a bag in the sun to ferment and create red. But not every manufacturer has practices like this. Sometimes red kratom can be old powder that was once green and turned browned over time. Since most of the industry sun dries their leaves, red kratom can also be made from the leaves that were neglected and burnt in the sun. Most of the industry sells this brownish/red powder as “red vein” and a lot of it is low quality with lower alkaloid levels.  Although not all red kratom is neglected or old, fermenting practices like you see in the link will often produce harmful bacteria. This is why we strongly believe every customer should strive for a super green kratom product. Powder color can change over time and from heat exposure. If we left a super green batch in a hot warehouse for a year, it would turn red eventually. If vendors were really separating by leaf type and giving you only red vein leaves, why would they also change the powder color?

But you might be wondering, is it possible that different drying practices can lead to different effects? Maybe. It is commonly said that as the leaves dry, 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH) increases. However, we have never seen any science or data that shows this in pure kratom leaf samples. There is a research paper that showed that 7-OH increased in extract when oxidized in sunlight, but it was in extract. In pure leaf samples, 7-OH is actually barely detectable, so much so the lab reporting is not reliable or accurate. Our 7-OH levels usually come back from .003% to .012% and the labs have confirmed it’s basically pointless to go off because it’s hardly detectable. Another thing we’ve asked our lab, Murray Brown, and also Wonderland labs, is if they noticed any elevated 7-OH between reds and greens. They both confirmed they hadn’t, but the reality is, it’s such a trace amount the results are likely not even accurate. Is it possible that labs aren’t able to do a detailed measurement and that those tiny little thousandths of a percentage could make a difference? Maybe.

We were once a believer in the theory that the alkaloid levels change as the leaf dries. When we first got into indoor dried kratom, sometimes there were batches with slightly too much moisture that seemed to get more potent as it aged. I would frequently say that indoor dried kratom would get more potent after you open the bag. And I still believe this may be true. So we remain open minded to the theory that certain alkaloids increase during the drying process. There are 40 alkaloids in the kratom leaf so it might be another alkaloid other than 7-OH. If we ever do discover that as leaves dry certain alkaloids increase, we will update this post. As for now, it doesn’t appear there is any science that verifies this theory.

Update: As we have continued to learn and reflect on kratom more, we have discovered there is truth to the consensus that greens are more stimulating, and reds are more sedative and we will explain why. If you ever chew a fresh kratom leaf, it is very very stimulating, more so than any powder. We believe that as the leaves oxidize, these stimulating alkaloids will degrade. So as you move from super green, to white, to red, you are likely going to lose some speed. Not only that, but check this out. This is cool. Other tea industries actually have a special process for increasing the GABA content in tea leaves. The process involves placing leaves into a tank and removing the oxygen. GABA is present in all living organisms. We suspect that because leaves are basically suffocated in plastic bags in the fermentation process, this will increase the GABA content. For those that don’t know, GABA is an amino acid that influences the GABA receptor in the brain. You can actually find GABA supplement at the store and it is worth buying if you want to sleep like a baby.

The term “strain” typically refers to genetic traits that are consistent batch to batch. In the cannabis industry, there are true strains that have consistent physical and chemical traits from birth. But in the kratom industry, you don’t even have suppliers using the same types of leaves on their strains. So how is that a strain?

Based off the current climate and science available, there is really no reason to place your trust strains or defend the sanctity of them. Like we said before, it doesn’t make sense to assume that thousands and thousands of vendors in an unregulated industry are upholding a code of honor to make sure you get authentic “Bali”, which doesn’t even exist. What you have are a bunch of people taking batches with different colored powder and slapping different labels on them. And when you go across the broad spectrum of the industry, there really is not one single consistency or truth to strains other than calling it Borneo or Indo, since pretty much all kratom can be called Borneo or Indo. Those are probably the most honest labels/strain names you will find.

Before it seems like we are ousting other vendors or putting ourselves on a pedestal, we want to admit that we have sold strains for 5 years on our BKB Herbal website and still continue to do so. When you are new to an industry, you want to cater to what customers are looking for, and you want to appear like you know what you are talking about. After a certain amount of time in the industry, we felt we were experienced and equipped enough to challenge this misconception about strains . We have dedicated ourselves and approached kratom with a pure and honest spirit, and after 5 years we feel that taking this bold step into the light will allow us to improve our quality and deliver better products to our customers. The truth shall set you free!

When you consider that Indonesian suppliers are able to sell brown kratom with the lowest manufacturing standards for the same price as bright green kratom, you realize that kratom strains really are a clever con. If we were to source red and white powder, we honestly feel that we would be sourcing inferior quality. We believe that strains have basically created demand for lower quality kratom by allowing suppliers to off their  lowest quality supply, and not have as much oversight in their production.

The average kratom user will assess quality solely off of effects. This is not a good way to review as it enables low manufacturing practices. The reality is, any Indonesian can pick a potent leaf, dry it on the ground, and grind it in a dirty old machine. You want to make sure your leaves are dried in a sanitary environment, and processed with new equipment. We assess the quality of kratom off physical and tangible properties (consistency, moisture content, smell, taste, color).

Almost everything you read online about strains is written by vendors who are looking to write 300 word articles to optimize their websites for google so they can sell more kratom. The articles that kratom users base their opinions off of are not scientific, and most are adopting a general consensus view that “greens are for energy, whites are for mood, reds are for sedation”. This is how a lot of the internet works when there is not much research on a subject. One website will go to another website to base it’s information, because really they are just businesses whose priority is to get traffic for specific keyword searches, and then sell their products. Having true information is not the priority. If 10,000 people are searching for Bali kratom every month, vendors want to target those people and will fill up pages in order to do so.

We have been wholesalers for 6 years and dealt with a lot of other vendors. Most vendors will order in bulk by red, white, or green and then make up their different strains out of that. In our opinion, the smartest vendors will order just greens and then make their red and white strains from all green kratom. If your vendor supplies you with green kratom when you order red, we think they are looking out for your best interests. Every now and then, we run into a vendor who asks us for all these different strains and about how they make you feel. “Do you have red dragon?” “I need a white thats good for mood”. When we run into these vendors, we honestly roll our eyes.

Harvesting Kratom Variations and Experiences

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Harvesting Kratom Variations and Experiences

If you’re a regular kratom user, you may have noticed some variations from one batch of kratom powder to another. Even if you’re buying the same strain each time, you may notice minor differences in color or even (slight) variations in potency. It’s a natural part of the kratom experience.

In short, these variations are due to environmental fluctuations. Throughout Southeast Asia, kratom grows naturally year-round. But, depending on the season in which it’s harvested, kratom leaves undergo a series of subtle changes. In this article, we’ll go over the various factors at work, the effects they will have on users’ kratom experience, and the steps we take to ensure Kratom Spot customers receive a top-quality product, regardless of the harvest season.

Environmental Factors and Their Effects on Kratom Crop

The main factor that affects kratom is the season in which a crop is harvested. Although kratom trees grow year-round, the ambient weather can have an effect on the crop, changing both its physical appearance and its chemical composition.

All of our kratom strains come directly from the source: expert Southeast Asia kratom farms, located principally in Indonesia. This region has, essentially, two seasons. From April to October, there is the “dry season,” a period of reduced rain and increased natural sunlight. From November to March, the region experiences its “monsoon season,” which brings significantly increased rains and reduced natural light.

Kratom trees are somewhat temperamental, and these environmental fluctuations have an effect. With changing seasons, kratom experiences changes in both appearance and potency.

Color Fluctuations

Depending on the season that they’re harvested, kratom leaves can appear slightly different. This, in turn, causes a noticeable impact on the color of the ground kratom powder produced from the leaves.

During the dry season, the increased sun and reduced rains create a slightly darker crop. By contrast, the monsoon season produces kratom leaves with a noticeably lighter color.

These cosmetic changes are more apparent for some kratom strains than they are for others. For white vein and green vein strains, the difference is typically relatively mild, though it is often still noticeable.

For red vein strains, however, the difference can be quite significant. That’s because red vein strains are left on the tree to mature for much longer. That extra time causes the distinctive red color, but it also allows the seasonal differences to have a more significant impact.

But worry not! These color variations are perfectly natural, and they do not indicate a difference in the quality of the product or the kratom experience you’ll have when using it.

Potency Fluctuations

While color may be obvious, most kratom users will be more concerned with their kratom powder’s potency. And, indeed, seasonal fluctuations can have an impact on the potency of a given kratom harvest. However, the impact is quite mild and is unlikely to have a significant impact on users’ kratom experiences.

Kratom’s unique effects are a result of the plant’s natural alkaloid balance. As with any plant, environmental conditions such as rainfall, sunlight, and even insects can shift the alkaloid content up or down.

While that may sound worrisome for kratom users, rest assured that the seasonal alkaloid variations are extraordinarily mild. Moreover, we take precautions at every step of the process to ensure a pure and potent product, regardless of season (more on these precautions below).

Again, seasonal variations in kratom potency are quite mild, and careful harvesting practices can minimize variance. Ultimately, users are unlikely to notice a significant difference in their kratom experience, regardless of the harvest season.

How Kratom Spot Ensures a Quality Kratom Experience, Regardless of Harvest Season

Kratom Spot users know that we’re dedicated to being the best source for all things kratom. It’s a mission we take seriously, and we take precautions at every step of the process to ensure that you’ll receive a truly world-class product, every time.

Here’s an overview of what we do to ensure that you’ll receive top-quality kratom powder, regardless of harvest season.

We Work With Southeast Asia’s Most Experienced Farms

Before starting Kratom Spot, we toured the globe interviewing kratom farmers to find those with the most experience and expertise. Since then, we’ve stood by them because of their consistent product, fair trade practices, and environmentally sustainable farming.

One of our selection criteria dealt with how our farms would deal with seasonal fluctuations. Because of their decades of experience, our partner farms have developed techniques to minimize the seasons’ impact on alkaloid potency. It’s a strenuous and demanding set of harvest protocols but produces a more consistent and potent crop than would be otherwise possible.

We Provide Only High-Quality, All-Natural Kratom Leaf Powder

Unlike less reputable vendors, we never tamper with our kratom powder. While adding food coloring or dye to our kratom powder would give the appearance of a more consistent product, it’s something we simply refuse to do.

Although the seasonal variations in color may raise a few eyebrows from the uninitiated, we view it as a mark of pride. The seasonal color changes are a feature of kratom in all its natural glory, and artificially altering it would be a betrayal of all that we stand for. Moreover, seasonal color variation has minimal impact on users’ kratom experience and should not be a cause for concern.

We Harvest Year-Round to Provide Only the Freshest Kratom

Some users might wonder, “why not harvest all your kratom in one season, then store it to sell year-round?” And indeed, that would certainly decrease variations in the color of our kratom powder batches. But doing that would mean that our stock wouldn’t be as fresh. And with kratom powder, freshness is key.

As kratom ages, it undergoes a series of chemical changes. Most importantly, the alkaloid content of the kratom leaf dwindles over time. That means that old kratom is less potent and will lead to a noticeably less enjoyable kratom experience for users.

While our cutting-edge technology and innovative storage facilities reduce the rate at which kratom powder ages, we cannot halt the process entirely. So, in order to provide you with the highest quality kratom powder year round, we need to harvest year round.

For more on the importance of using only the freshest kratom, see our guide to keeping kratom fresh.

We Use the Most Rigorous Third-Party Testing Methods in the Industry

After our partner farms complete their harvest, each batch of kratom leaves undergoes a rigorous battery of tests to ensure quality, purity, and potency. Because our products are third-party tested, we know they are free from harmful contaminants and will lead to a pleasant, consistent kratom experience, regardless of harvesting season.

One of the most important of these tests is to verify the alkaloid levels of our kratom powder. As mentioned above, seasonal weather patterns can affect the levels of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in a batch of kratom leaves. These differences are typically mild and are further minimized by our partner farms’ expert methods.

However, batches do occasionally exhibit larger fluctuations. But because every batch of our kratom products is third-party tested, we can ensure that the alkaloid levels live up to our exacting standards, regardless of the growing season.

On the rare occasion that a batch of kratom leaf doesn’t meet our potency standards, we don’t sell it. It’s that simple.

From there, we use cutting-edge technology to package, store, and preserve our fresh kratom powder, all done in adherence to GMP standards and sanitary protocols.

Kratom Harvest Variations and the Kratom Experience, In Closing

While seasonal variations do have an impact on the appearance of your kratom, it’s nothing to worry about. In fact, it’s a perfectly natural development, and we refuse to tamper in any way with our all-natural product.

And while Southeast Asia’s seasons can impact the potency of batches, we take every step to ensure that you’ll have a pleasant, consistent kratom experience every time.

We take no shortcuts on the path to excellence, and we stand by our partner farms, our QA, and the quality of our product. If you have any questions about our methods, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable customer support staff.

American Kratom Veterans Day Coupon Sale! – SALE!

American Kratom Veterans Day Coupon Promo

American Kratom Veterans Day Coupon

American Kratom Veterans Day Coupon  – As a thank you to all the men and women and their families that sacrifice for this country. We are running a 25% off sale with promocode: HERO. Ending Nov 14th, 12:00am. Thank you for your service.

 American Kratom Veterans Day Coupon

American Kratom Veterans Day Coupon Sale! – SALE!


Where does the money from your order go to?

We are a small self funded American Kratom nursery. Our team does not take payment for our work. Everything we make goes back into the nursery, Documenting kratom, Our kratom social media platform Kratom Watchdog, Our kratom avatar chat Kynto, and our other kratom advocacy projects.’

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Have you heard of the Kratom Watchdog app? Kratom Watchdog is a kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association (AKA). A booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. Kratom Watchdog is the oldest kratom social media platform online. With over 400 videos and over 200,000 photo’s from our own kratom Nursery. And 7,000 members we have a very strong growers community that are always willing to help. Kratom Watchdog is available on Android, IOS, and at We are a small self funded development studio. If you would like to donate to the development of the platform we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued support.
IOS Download Android Download Button



NFC Project – Help Document US Kratom (Free NFC)

The NFC Project – Our goal is to merge tech with kratom to document every single aspect of these amazing trees. We are happy to announce our kratom documentation program the “NFC Project”. This projects is a step forward in providing kratom growing information to a entire community.

On the #kratomAPP Kratom Watchdog we are working to document our kratom nursery. We upload every single interaction from our staff has with our American kratom nursery.  Tracking how much & how often we water or fertilize. As well as recording up to the minute weather conditions using weather API’s.  When working with the nursery, staff will also take photos or video with the plants. Collected information is uploaded to the corresponding trees specific profile page on the Kratom Watchdog app. Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.

NFC Project-Support Documenting USA Kratom (Free NFC)

3D Drone Mapping American Kratom Nursery’s

Taking to the sky! Utilizing drones to document American kratom nursery’s from a different angle.  We are using the drones to 3D map our kratom nursery. Applying these 3D models into our Kratom Video Game for the Kratom Watchdog app. Our goal is to map out our entire nursery and insert the nursery into the game world for users to interact with these trees. We will also be creating and implementing drone swarming API’s to film and record multiple trees using multiple drones at the same time.

We will be opening up our tools and software to allow other nurseries and growers to map out their kratom nursery. Interested in having us out to document your nursery? Contact us at or contact us on the Kratom Watchdog app.

Organic American Kratom Leaf is available here for purchase.

What comes with your donation?

With every donation to the “NFC Project” you will receive the corresponding amount of NFC tags. Tags are per-programmed by our Kratom Watchdog staff. Each tag will have a corresponding feed that will house all of the data you choose to upload. Think of this as a diary for your kratom tree.

NFC Project-Support Documenting USA Kratom (Free NFC)

What are NFC Tags?

NFC Tags (Near Field Communication) are small integrated circuits designed to store information. Information can be retrieved by NFC-enabled devices like the smartphones and tablets. Small enabled stickers of wireless technology can also allow data transfer between two NFC enabled devices. You can see a example of this below.

NFC Project-Support Documenting USA Kratom (Free NFC)

How does NFC technology work?

Pixel Sprite Mapping – NFC Project

As a current representation for our kratom based video game we have hired talented pixel artists. These artists are recreating each kratom tree from our nursery as pixel sprite work. We are adding these trees to the kyntu video game. The tree below is from a 10 year old pink vein tree and was recreated from hundreds of hours of kratom content.


Oklahoma Supreme Court reverses court decision to have Johnson & Johnson pay $465M to state for its role in opioid crisis

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Oklahoma Supreme Court reverses court decision to have Johnson & Johnson pay $465M to state for its role in opioid crisis

Oklahoma Supreme Court reverses court decision to have Johnson & Johnson pay $465M to state for its role in opioid crisis

Oklahoma Supreme Court reverses court decision to have Johnson & Johnson pay $465M to state for its role in opioid crisis – (CNN Business) Oklahoma Supreme Court justices have reversed a district court decision that ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $465 million to the state for its role in the opioid crisis.

In the justices’ decision filed Tuesday, they wrote that the district court “erred” by holding Johnson & Johnson liable under the state’s public nuisance statute for its opioid prescription marketing campaign.

“We hold that the district court’s expansion of public nuisance law went too far. Oklahoma public nuisance law does not extend to the manufacturing, marketing, and selling of prescription opioids,” Oklahoma Supreme Court Justice James Winchester wrote in his opinion.

The opinion states that the manufacture and distribution of products “rarely causes a violation of a public right” and that a manufacturer generally does not have control over a product once its sold, and that if the public nuisance law were allowed to be used to hold a company liable for its products “a manufacturer could be held perpetually liable.”

“In reaching this decision, we do not minimize the severity of the harm that thousands of Oklahoma citizens have suffered because of opioids,” the opinion states. “However grave the problem of opioid addiction is in Oklahoma, public nuisance law does not provide a remedy for this harm.”

In a statement to CNN, Johnson & Johnson called its actions relating to the marketing and promotion of the prescription pain medications “appropriate and responsible.”

“We recognize the opioid crisis is a tremendously complex public health issue, and we have deep sympathy for everyone affected,” the statement said. “Today the Oklahoma State Supreme Court appropriately and categorically rejected the misguided and unprecedented expansion of the public nuisance law as a means to regulate the manufacture, marketing, and sale of products, including the Company’s prescription opioid medications.”

Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor said he was “disappointed” by the state supreme court’s decision.

“The Judgment holding Johnson & Johnson accountable for their deceptive actions was a huge victory for Oklahoma citizens and their families who have been ravaged by opioids,” O’Connor said in a statement to CNN. “Our staff will be exploring options. We are still pursuing our other pending claims against opioid distributors who have flooded our communities with these highly addictive drugs for decades. Oklahomans deserve nothing less.”

One state supreme court judge wrote in a dissenting opinion that the district court’s decision should be reversed and the matter sent back to the court for a “correct” determination of damages.

Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the sum of the penalty.