Kratom Leaf off the trees
Kratom Leaf off the trees – When picking off kratom leaves we will tend to pick speratically throughout the trees. We dont just clean the branches off the tree like you would assume. If you take all the leaf off of a branch it will take longer for a tree to recover from this. We allow all of our trees to revover on the kratom nursery by picking the leaf off here and there.
This will allow the trees to grow back organically over time allowing for a much lusher tree. Something to consider when bonzai kratom trees is that how you modify your tress will effect how they will grow over time. You want them to be really bushy and grow outwards instead of upwards. I cant over state this enough that it is so much harder to prune a kratom tree the larget they get. Especially once they get over 20 ft tall.
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