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Sedating Strains Indo Kratom – Kratom Bible


Sedating Strains

As a whole, sedating strains are lacking in the more stimulating alkaloids contained in the Thai/Maeng Da strains of kratom; however, they pack a very large punch as far as pain relief is concerned due to their large concentrations of  7-hydroxymitragynine. These strains have been traditionally used for chronic pain and mood-lifting.


Indo Kratom

Indo Kratom

Indo strains are very well-rounded for pain and have less side-effects than comparable Balinese strains, and share quite a few qualities in common with strains such as riau and sumatra; borneo as well is a variety of indo, but with unique characteristics. Many have reported delayed effects from many types of Indo kratom, which is likely due to the leaves tough cell-walls, similar to Green Malaysian strains.

While the effects are similar to Borneo kratom strains on paper, regular users may notice some of the subtle but very notable differences experience.

Stimulation: 2-3 / 10

Pain Relief: 8 – 10 / 10

Mood: 8 – 10 / 10