The primary reason kratom is so effective for pain are it’s two primary painkilling alkaloids: Mitragynine, and 7-OH-mitragynine [3]. Which both have agonist activity brain receptors responsible for effectively dampening the body’s perception of pain at the source. As a result, those who are looking for pain relief from kratom have had best effects with strains high in these two alkaloids.

Leaf alkaloid content can vary from plant to plant, and from strain to strain, however, there are a few strains which seem to be the most effective for pain overall. The most popular strains for this purpose are:


  1. Borneo
  2. Indo
  3. Maeng Da
  4. Bali

Preferred Vein Color

  • Red
  • Green


  • Moderate/High

For this purpose, red veined strains tend to be the most reliable for pain relieving effects, although a good green vein can be just as effective. It should be noted, however, that because green veins tend to be more strongly influenced by the effects of the given strain, one should stick to the characteristically pain relieving varieties mentioned above, such as Indo, Bali or Borneo.