Earlier this year, Kratom Spot customers could easily order kratom with a credit card or debit card. However, credit card companies have stopped working with kratom vendors altogether. This isn’t a new issue: kratom products gained national attention when the government began seizing imports around 2014. Ever since, consumers have had to use alternative payment methods (except for a short period of time between late 2020 and early 2021).
But the issue doesn’t stop there. In fact, there are many important questions left unanswered.
- It’s your money. Why can’t you pay with credit cards for whatever you want?
- Why is it so difficult to find reputable kratom dealers that take credit cards?
- How do you know which alternative payment methods are suitable for you?
To better understand the kratom-credit-card fiasco, first, remember that kratom products are largely misunderstood. Government agencies like the FDA and DEA have waged aggressive anti-kratom campaigns nationwide, attempting to stigmatize the natural supplement. Because of this, it is extremely difficult for researchers to secure funding for clinical trials.
But what do scientific and clinical trials have to do with credit card companies? Easy! To see the bigger picture, let’s take a look at another governmentally misunderstood product: cannabis. If you live in a state with recreational cannabis, you might already know what we’re talking about. If not, we’ll provide a basic overview.
Cannabis and Credit Cards: Exemplary of the Kratom Industry
If you’ve ever patronized a legal cannabis dispensary, you probably know that very few allow you to pay with credit cards. Instead, you’ll most likely have to make cash payments. If cannabis is legal, why is that?
Answer: cannabis is only legal at the state level, not the federal level. Under the Controlled Substances Act (a federal law), financial institutions like banks and credit card companies cannot profit from substances that are considered federally illegal (like marijuana).
We mentioned the stigmatization of substances like cannabis and kratom above. And until the federal government ends its stigmatization of these products, consumers will have difficulty trying to order kratom with a credit card. There is little customer support for anything the federal government deems illegal, no matter what state laws have to say.
And even though you put your money into a bank or credit card account, you have to utilize alternative payment methods to buy a legal substance like kratom. In addition, kratom products are NOT federally illegal, nor are they scheduled under the Controlled Substances Act. So what gives?
Understanding the Limitations of Kratom and Credit Cards
With cannabis, it makes a little more sense. Yes, this writer believes cannabis should be removed entirely from the Controlled Substances Act and legalized at the federal level. But where you stand on that issue is neither here nor there.
When it comes to kratom, there are NO federal laws limiting sale, possession, and use. Some states and cities have banned kratom within their borders. But those municipalities are far-outnumbered by the states and cities that have protected the sale and use of kratom products.
However, to credit card companies, it’s all one in the same. Credit card companies consider kratom transactions high-risk, despite zero federal laws disallowing the sale of kratom. They’re worried that the federal government may eventually ban kratom products, leaving financial institutions vulnerable to profit losses. So instead of taking an active stance and supporting the legal kratom industry, they take a back seat and wait to see how the kratom industry plays out.
And it doesn’t stop there. Banks and credit card companies work with a TON of high-risk industries. This includes:
- Accounting
- Agriculture
- Alcohol
- Construction
- Financial Services
- Food
- Insurance
- Media
- Oil Companies
- Real Estate
- Retail
- Transportation
- Travel Agencies
- Wholesale Companies
If you’re allowed to pay with credit cards in any of these other high-risk industries, why not kratom? Call your bank and ask. Even we can’t answer this question.
Order Kratom with Alternative Payment Methods
Credit card companies and their tomfoolery aside, there are many secure alternatives to using a credit card at Kratom Spot. We offer a variety of safe, easy-to-use payment methods to make buying kratom a breeze.
Purchase Kratom with Cryptocurrency via Coinbase
You can easily create a FREE Coinbase account to buy your kratom. Coinbase has impeccable security, a navigable interface and allows you to receive a permanent 5% discount on all kratom products at Kratom Spot!
Learn more about purchasing kratom with crypto on our blog here.
Order Kratom Using E-Checks
To order kratom products via e-check, you’ll need both your account and routing numbers. We offer the ability to checkout using both ACH e-checks and Authorize.Net e-checks. Learn more about using e-checks to buy kratom here.
The Future of Kratom and Credit Card Companies
Will you be able to order kratom with a credit card in the future? We think so. However, kratom vendors have little influence over kratom legislation at the federal level. Our thoughts? We need more funding for kratom research. When we better understand kratom products and their benefits, we’ll be able to create a safer kratom industry that consumers, vendors, and government agencies can feel good about.
Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS
Have you heard of the Kratom Watchdog app? Kratom Watchdog is a kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association (AKA). A booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. Kratom Watchdog is the oldest kratom social media platform online. With over 400 videos and over 200,000 photo’s from our own kratom Nursery. And 7,000 members we have a very strong growers community that are always willing to help. Kratom Watchdog is available on Android, IOS, and at kratomwatchdog.com. We are a small self funded development studio. If you would like to donate to the development of the platform we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued support.