Jul 22, 2021

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Customer review or kratomleaf.us!

Kratomleaf.us is an excellent company. Their customer service is the best I’ve seen in a long time out of any company with similar offerings, and actually compared to any company I’ve ordered online from for that matter. They are very kind, communicative, and helpful.  You can tell they truly care about what they offer and stand tall 100% behind their products. They have a lot of heart and truly put their great energy into this. Although I haven’t  been able to order every product they offer, I would confidently recommend them over any company in the USA that provides these alternative plant medicines. The real medicines.
-Caleb van Gelder

Failing to move a kratom tree

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Failing to move a kratom tree

Failing to move a kratom tree. This tree was extremely heavy. You can see Walter had a tough time moving it. We did end up getting it moved here. 

Kratom Tree

Another successful kratom tree pickup! 7/29/2021

I was told this tree was about 2 years old but I am highly skeptical only because it looks more like a 5 year old tree. Although it is possible. Martha was the previous owner of these trees and she said that she bought them from My trees of life. Thankfully Josh helped us out with his truck and engine lift. Without the engine lift we would not have gotten it into the tuck. The tree ripped apart both our my shoes and will have to be replaced. took us from 10 am to 4 pm to get it moved and planted at the kratom nursery. You can see I tried my best to move it before but it was way to heavy. There are 2 other trees I need to pick up


Another successful kratom tree pickup! Another successful kratom tree pickup! Another successful kratom tree pickup! Another successful kratom tree pickup! Another successful kratom tree pickup!














Another successful kratom tree pickup!